Ass Tat

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Summary: Harry is Louis' tattoo artist for his penguin tattoo, and Louis can't decide whether it's a blessing or a curse.

(This is a bit more scandalous than i usually write, but that's not saying much. Bear with me)


"I can't believe you're actually making me do this." Louis pouts as he climbs in Zayn's car.

"It's not my fault you bet that Niall wouldn't eat the Nandos if we left the room."

"But I bribed him! I told him if he didn't eat them I'd buy him some every day for a week!"

"Niall doesn't live in the future, he lives in the now. You had too much faith in the future, and you lost the bet."

As the car travels down the street, Louis slumps in his seat, looking out the window grumpily.

"Can I at least change what the tattoo is? I really don't want a penguin wearing headphones on my ass. Do you know how unsexy that is?"

Zayn sighs, shaking his head.

"I never thought I'd live to see the day Louis Tomlinson would try to back out of a bet. If I had lost, you definitely would've made me split dye my hair."

"But you'd look good with that! You look good with any hair. No one looks good with a penguin on their ass."

"No one's gonna see it, Lou. You've gotten ink before, this one's smaller than most of them anyway. Stop being such a baby about it."

They drive the rest of the way in silence, Zayn only speaking when they're parked in the tattoo parlor's parking lot.

"Look, if you really don't want it, we can alter your punishment you can get my name tattooed on your neck if you want. I don't want you to be upse-"

Louis climbs out of the car, bending down and sticking his head back in before practically shouting, "Louis Tomlinson never backs down from a bet," and marching off to the shop door.

A little bell rings violently as he flings the door open, causing the man behind the counter to look up, startled.

And holy fuck.

The man is drop-dead gorgeous. His alarmed green eyes meet Louis', and Louis finds it suddenly very hard to remember how to walk. He doesn't move until Zayn shoves him forward, "It's hot as balls out here, get inside," and he stumbles up to the counter.

"Hi." Louis squeaks, and he can sense Zayn's amusement.

"Hello." The man responds and wow. His voice is low, but not low like I'm angry and giving you your final warning before I kick your ass, but more like a soothing, calming low.

Louis just stares at the man for a moment, that man looking back expectantly, but once it becomes evident that Louis is incapable of stringing a sentence together, the man speaks up.

"What can I do for you today?"

The words, or more the mouth that says the words, snaps Louis back to attention.

"Oh, I'd like to order a sandwich."

The man looks blankly back before a small smirk covers his lips.

"Is that all?"

"Yep. I came to a tattoo shop for a sandwich. What else would I come for?" Nodding, Louis tries to ignore Zayn's chuckling behind him.

"I'll get right on that." Standing, the man extends an arm, taking Louis' hand and giving him a firm handshake.

Very dominating.

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