Sunflower, Vol. 6

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Summary: Harry has a crush on Louis and invites him over for dinner but he gets in his head about it too much


Harry was nervous to say the least. He fluttered around the kitchen, pulling ingredients out of the fridge and pantry, fidgeting with his apron the whole time. Cooking is among Harry's many talents and it usually comes naturally to him.

But usually he isn't cooking for the one and only Louis Tomlinson. Usually he's cooking for himself because his mom is still at work and Gemma's off somewhere with her friends. Being alone was something that bothered Harry normally, but not tonight. He'd rather the house be empty so he has control over the situation without any unpredictable visits.

It had already been decided that he would make Louis some chicken because it's common knowledge that he likes it.

Actually, it's probably only common knowledge to Harry, and that's only because he had been obsessing over his best friend for the past 18 months.


"I can't just grill him a chicken breast though. That's so lame Niall."

"So make it fancy."

"Make it fancy how? I always just season things. I guess I could stuff it with something."

"Yeah mate." Niall agreed. "Stick your hand in there and get it a little dirty. Really feel the meat."

Harry gave Niall an unamused look, one that the Irish boy could not see on the other end of the phone.

"It's a miracle I still put up with you." Harry shakes his head.

Cackling, Niall responds, "but you loooove me."


Eventually they had agreed upon chicken stuffed with mozzarella cheese wrapped in parma ham with a side of home made mash.

As Harry puts the chicken in the oven, he glances up at the clock in the stove.


That gives him almost five minutes to daydream about Louis before he has to pull himself together.

Hopping up on the countertop, he leans his head against the cabinet, staring lazily somewhere above the refrigerator.

Harry and Louis had been friends for almost ten years, meeting in school when they were seven. They always had a special connection, a deeper friendship than most people. They loved it. They loved that people would mistake them for brothers because they spent so much time together. They loved that people would ask about the other when only one showed up. They loved that when someone said 'Harry' they would automatically think 'and Louis'.

But now, Harry hates that Louis loves it. He hates that Louis doesn't despise people thinking "those boys will be best friends until the day they die". Because Harry hates it. Specifically, he hates the best friends part. It wouldn't be so bad to be with Louis until the day they die. Hopefully Harry would die first so he wouldn't have to know a world without Louis.

Best friends and nothing else. That's all Harry is to Louis.

A strong knocking on the door rips Harry out of his thoughts.

Louis' here.

Hastily, he jumps (more like falls) off of the counter, running across the tiled kitchen to get to the door. Unfortunately for Harry, tile can be quite slippery, especially when wearing socks. One of his feet slips forward, his leg flying through the air in front of him as he finds himself looking at the ceiling, landing flat on his back. A loud thunk resonates in his mind as he sits up slowly, rubbing his spine.

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