The Cook and the Waiter

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Summary: Harry is a cook and Louis is a waiter at the same diner, and the rest of the boys visit for Harry's birthday.


"Ugh. Lou- my hair."

"On it."

Harry spits a strand of hair out of his mouth as he quickly dumps a cutting-board full of veggies into a burning pan, a flame bursting and illuminating the sweat on Harry's brow.

Gentle fingers comb his hair back, tying all the lose ends back into the ponytail they had slipped out of.

"All good."

"Thanks, love."

Harry tosses a smile over his shoulder to the smaller boy as someone hands him a small slip of paper.

Reading it, he sighs before sticking it to the wall.

"It's almost done. Give it like two minutes and you can take it out."

It's quite hot.

Physically, and, well, the other physically.

The heat from the ovens and stoves make the kitchen quite warm, so Louis doesn't usually like to stay in there for much longer than is necessary, only lingering to give the chefs the next order. However, seeing Harry work up a sweat at he cooks is a very nice sight to see.

If Louis and Harry weren't already dating, Louis would be dealing with quite the dilemma.

"Here you go, baby. Careful- it's really hot. Just like you."

Setting three steaming plates onto the tray in Louis' hands, Harry blows Louis a kiss, adding a cheeky wink that makes the shorter of the two roll his eyes as he pushes the kitchen door open.

"Here's your food," Louis focuses on balancing the tray as he takes the plates off one by one. "The chef made sure to spit in all of them."

"I thought swapping spit with Harry was your job." Liam scoffs in disgust while Niall digs in.

"It is, so don't get too used to it."

"I should write a Yelp! review and criticize him for being unhygienic." Zayn pokes at his chicken with a fork, looking suspiciously at the seasonings.

"Mate, you've pissed into the same bucket as Harry. At the same time. I think you'll be fine."

"That was one time!" Zayn protests. "It's not my fault Liam missed the exit for the rest stop."

"Whatever. He didn't actually spit in it anyway. Now eat, I've got people to attend to."

Spinning on a dime, Louis marches off to one of his other tables, a sweet older couple who comes in for dinner every Saturday.

About half an hour later, the dinner rush had slowed significantly, and Louis was feeling antsy with no one new to attend to. He'd sit with his friends, but they always get it in their head that Louis' their servant when at the restaurant. He doesn't need to deal with their teasing right now.

Behind him, the door to the kitchen eases open a bit, just enough for someone to poke their head out.

"Lou?" A smile cracks Louis' face as he turns to see his boyfriend. Baby hairs are plastered to his brow and cheeks with sweat, and he looks a little red in the face. It gets really hot in the kitchen. "I'm gonna take my break. Do you wanna...?"

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