My Baby

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Summary: Louis and Harry are dating long distance and Louis surprises Harry.


"It's so good to see you again, Lou. Feels like it's been ages." Zayn laughs, leading the pair down a narrow, dimly lit hallway.

"I know, right? It's crazy, we were together every day last year, but now I go months without seeing you boys."

"You're the one that transferred universities, mate, not us." Defending himself, Zayn unlocks his dorm room and opens the door, inviting Louis in.

"I can see you haven't cleaned up since I left." Louis takes in the heaps of laundry littering the ground, an empty cereal box crushed next to the trash can. Not in it. Next to it.

Chuckling, Zayn shuts the door and tosses his sweatshirt onto his bed. "You're not here to pick up after us anymore. We're practically drowning in clutter without you."

Kicking a few shirts under his bed hastily, he turns to face the smaller boy again. "It's not that bad, really. Harry'll get into a mood and obsessively clean sometimes. So it gets picked up every week or so. He hasn't in a while, though."

"Moods? Is he alright?" Louis' brow creases with concern. Has Harry been going through something that he's neglected to mention?

"Uh... yeah. Don't worry, Lou. Your boyfriend's fine. It's really just if he had a lot of schoolwork, or he couldn't make it to the gym or something."

"Okay." Louis breathes a sigh of relief, glad Harry isn't suffering any more than a regular overworked, broke uni student is.

"You didn't tell him I'm here, right?"

"Of course not. I wanna see the reunion, I'm not spoiling that for shit. He's gonna be so happy you're here, he's been missing you a lot recently."

"What do you mean?" Louis hops up onto Harry's twin sized bed, shoving the flannel pajama pants out of the way.

"I don't know. He's just been in a bit of a funk. I think it's the combination of midterms and work and missing you. This'll be one less thing for him to worry about."

"You're making it sound like he's struggling." Louis stresses, feeling the guilt rise inside of him.

Harry didn't care which college he went to, so he followed Louis. They roomed together, along with a new guy they met: Zayn. Their lives began settling down as they made friends with Liam and Niall, their workload under control and their relationship as happy as ever.

Then, of course, their university had to cut Louis' program, leaving him scrambling and in need of a new school. One that Harry was unable to follow him to.

"It's okay, babe. We can do long distance. I love you so much, our connection can cover any distance."

Harry claims Louis' lips as his own, hugging him close to his body as Louis' eyes tear up.

"But I feel so bad, Haz. You enrolled here because you'd be with me, now I'm not even going to be here."

"It's okay." Harry whispers, reassuring his love while rocking them back and forth. "I have the boys. And it'll only be for a while. We've only got a year left, then we can be together forever. And we have the weekends, yeah? Saturdays will take the pain away."


"Louis. Listen to me." Harry takes his shoulders, shaking him gently until their eyes meet. "This has been your dream since I met you in year four. I would die if I knew you weren't going to chase it because of me. Go. Please. I'll be right here once you catch it."

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