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"You alright?" Asked Millie as she jogged up to me and handed me a drink.

"Yeah. You?"

"Yep. How come you were late this time?"

"James' shoe laces and Harriet didn't know what to wear."

"School uniform. They go to a private school. It's not that hard."

"They had non school uniform day."

"Ah okay. I didn't think they would allow poshers to dress up in baggy clothes."

"They're kids."

"I know but they are a pretty strict school."

"Good point." I said and laughed.

"How mad will they be?"

"Who? Wendy and Steve?"


"They won't care. They'll probably just tell me to sit in my room all night. No dinner or some shit like that."

"No dinner?"

"I don't care. I'm not really hungry at the moment."

"Cass. You need to eat."

"I am. I'm just not currently hungry."

"Here, eat this."

"Not hungry."

"Cass, when would you ever turn down chocolate?"

"Since Wendy tried to buy me a dress to wear in the summer. I said I prefer shorts but she insisted. And then she just insulted me."

"What did she say?"

"Some rubbish like 'if you lose weight, you won't have to wear baggy clothes'."

"She is aware that you are fitter than most teenagers, right? Girl, you got abs."

"Because I worked hard, so to be told I'm fat, it kind of throws me off."

"Wendy doesn't like you. She never has and you know that. She just wants you to look like some skinny little model. Ignore her." She said and nudged my elbow while holding out the bar.

"You know I can't say no to that smile." I said and took it out of her hands.

"I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?"

"Where you going?" I asked as I started to walk up the stairs.

"I've got Health and Social Care and then you have detention, so I won't see you."

"Oh yeah. Good point. I'll see you tomorrow, yeah? Meet up for a skate?"

"Sure. We'll meet up and you can ride a ghost board."

"Good point. I'll see you Monday."

"See ya. Love you."

"Love you too."

I sat my hour long detention with Mr Shenfield, the one teacher who actually likes me. I'm not a bad student but I do turn up late a lot. It's not my fault, it's my parent's.

"Really? Detention. You were late." Said Wendy as soon as I had walked in the door.

"I wouldn't have been if you guys had just let me leave but no. I had to sort out what Harriet wanted to wear and then tie James' shoe laces. He's ten years old. He can tie his own shoe laces!"

"I'm sorry." Cried James as he stormed out of the kitchen in tears.

"James. Wait. I didn't mean it like that."

"What did you do?" Asked Steve.

"I didn't mean to."

"Do you ever do anything right?" Snapped Wendy as her and Steve went upstairs to comfort James.

I'm not mad at James. It's bad parenting. He should know how to tie his shoes laces and as the oldest sibling, I will teach him. I'm just so busy at the moment with school and sport. You may not think I do much considering I'm out most of the time on my skateboard but I run for the school's track team and I'm good, if I do say so myself. I've won six golds, eight silvers and two bronzes since I joined the track team. And we won the big trophy for the first time in ten years.

"Ow! I cut myself!" Screamed Harriet as she ran downstairs with blood dripping down her hands.

I looked down at her seeing shards of glass stuck in her hand and I mentally cursed myself. I dropped a glass in my bathroom this morning that I forgot to clean up.

"Are you mad at me?"

"No, I'm not mad. Just don't go into my room again without permission."

"I just wanted lipstick."

"I don't wear lipstick."

"Lisa's sister wears makeup and so does Hannah's."

"You don't need makeup. You're beautiful the way you are."

"That's what everyone says."

"Trust me, it's true."

"Do I get the good looking genes from you?" She asked.

"Nope. That will be from your mom."

"Our mom."

"Yeah. Our mom." I said and let a tear roll down my cheek.

"Catch a cab and take Harriet to the hospital, will you?" Asked Steve.

"Why can't you take her? I have an extra track meeting."

"Ask Millie to fill you in on the details. It was your fault she got cut."

"I get it, okay? It's always my fucking fault! No need to remind me."

"What does fuck mean?" Asked James.

"Now he's swearing. Well done, Cassie."

"I'm sorry, okay?"

"You never do anything right." Muttered Steve.

"No I guess I don't! It's not like you make it clear everyday that you hate me. I can't even call my parents mom and dad."

"Go to your room."

"I'm not five years old."

"Now!" Shouted Wendy.

I ran past James, who was sat on the stairs and then past Harriet, who was squeezing her hand to try and stop the pain. When I got to the top of the first set of stairs, I watched as Steve put her coat on and made her smile by giving her loads of kisses over her face. She let out a little giggle, ignoring her hand for a moment until he took it and told her everything was going to be okay.

I went up the second set of stairs and walked down the small corridor to my bathroom where there was glass and blood over the floor. I swept it up and put it in my bin before grabbing wipes to clean the blood. Once I was done, I walked into my bedroom and got into bed. I stared up at my ceiling until I eventually got tired enough to fall asleep.

Why is my life like this?

Unwanted (Chicago PD)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora