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I've only ever wanted one thing in life. Well no, that's not true. I've always wanted to be a detective or work somewhere in the Police foce but this was different. I was trying to find my parents.

I walked up the steps of the 21st district, hoping that I could get the answers I was looking for. I looked around the place before walking up to the desk.

"No Sarah, your mom is busy." Said the woman, not looking up from the paperwork that she was doing.

"Um, I'm not Sarah."

"Oh. Who are you then?"


"I'm Cassie Mills. I was wondering if maybe you could find my parents in your database."

"How old are you?"


"Bit small for a fifteen year old."

"Yeah. I know."

"What are their names?"

"I don't know. I was thinking that you could search my name and then find them."

"Full name?"

"Cassandra Mills."

"Sorry kid. I can't find anything. Are you adopted?"

"Yeah. My adoptive parents said they didn't know what happened to them. I was hoping maybe you guys would know. Thanks anyway."

"Sorry Cassie. Where are you heading to?"

"I was going to try the firehouse next. I know it's stupid but I want to know what happened to them or why I'm here and not with them."

"I can give you a lift if you want."

"That would be great. Only if you're not too busy."

"Not at all. I'm Trudy by the way." She said and held out her hand for me to shake.

I shook her hand and gave her a smile before following her down the steps and out to a police car.

"So where are you from?"


"One of my detectives is from there."

"Oh cool. It's a nice place to live."

"Yeah it is. Oh, here we go." She said and pulled up outside a firehouse.

I looked up at the place, a smile forming on my lips as I got out of the car and grabbed my bag. I put my bag on my back and held my skateboard under my arm.

"Thanks Trudy."

"No problem. Oh, here is my card if you ever need anything."

"Okay. Thank you." I smiled and waved as I watched her drive away.

I walked up the driveway and then found a sign that showed me to what I think was reception. There was a lot of noise coming from what looked like a kitchen so I headed that way, hoping I could find someone to talk to.

"Hey. Are you okay?" Asked a short guy who didn't budge from the seat that he was sat in.

"Hi. I'm Cassie."

"Hey, Cassie. What can we do for you?" Said another guy who stood up.

Okay. This is a little intimidating now. All eyes were on me and I kind of froze. Nothing came out. I probably looked like a right idiot.

The guy looked behind him and then gestured his hand at me to tell me to follow him, which I did.

"Hi, I'm Kelly. I know it was a lot of eyes on you so I brought you back here. What's up?" He asked.

"I'm Cassandra Mills. I was wondering if maybe you know my parents. I know it's a long shot. But I have to try."

"I've only ever known one person with the last name Mills but he's about twenty three now."

"Okay. Thanks anyway."

"Woah, kid, hang on. Why did you come here? Why not the police station?"

"Oh I went there. A lady called Trudy dropped me off here."

"A desk Sargent?"

"Yeah. You know her?"

"I'm married to her." Said the other guy. "I'm Mouch by the way."

"Your wife was very kind. Sorry to trouble you all."

"You don't have to leave yet. Maybe talk to our chief, he might know something."

"Okay." I said and walked towards the office.

As I stepped into the office, the guy had his back turned to us and was sorting through some files. I was looking down and playing with my fingers, not realising that the guy had turned back around.

"Hey, I heard you're looking for your parents." Said the Chief.

I raised my head and looked at him but froze when I looked at his face. He had such a kind smile, a certain type of smile that was hard to forget.

My vision went blurry as flashbacks came out in chunks. He was staring down at me as he held me in his arms and told me that everything was going to be okay. Then there was flashing lights and screaming.

"Are you okay?"

"I thank you, I really do but I...um...I have to go." I said and walked backwards.

"Cass, wait."

"I'm sorry. I've just seen the time. I have to go."

"Cassie, wait." Said Kelly and chased after me.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. It's nearly past my curfew."

"Oh ok. I can drop you back of you want."

"No, thank you. Thanks for all your help though."

"Did you remember something?"

"Bye Kelly."

"Please, we want to help."

"Help someone who actual needs it." I said as the alarms went off for an emergency.

"Okay. Be safe, Cass." He said and watched as I dropped my skateboard to the ground and chucked in earphones.

I looked back at him once more before I carried on going. I don't know what I saw but it was all too much. I just need sleep. That's all I need.

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