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"Hey, have you seen my book?" Asked Cassie as she came out of her room.

"I don't think so. How many more days do you have this thing for?"

"Three more days, including today."

"Are you in on the Monday?" I asked as Cassie started to pack her bag.

"Nope. Saturday."

"That's harsh."


"What's up?"


"You sure?"

"Yep. Just tired."

"Okay. Well, I can pick you up today and tomorrow but I can't do Saturday."

"It's fine, I'll take my skateboard."

"I can pick you up on Saturday." Said Will as he came out of his bedroom.

"No, it's fine. I'll just skate home."

"You sure?"

"Yeah." Said Cassie as she flashed him a small smile.

"It's Thursday, only three more days." I said as I was driving Cassie to school.

She just hummed back a response and I could tell that something was off with her.

"What's up?" I asked as I pulled into the school's parking lot.

"Don't worry about it."

"Talk to me, Cassie."

"What's going to happen when they come back?"

"I'll talk to them and ask if I can take you in under the name of Halstead."

"Okay. See you later."

I don't know if she liked my response or not. She quickly got out of the car and walked through the doors, not turning around to look back.

*Cassie's Pov*

I met up with Millie at lunch so we could have our usual talk and ask her why she was so late.

"I'm hungover."

"What? How?"

"Family came over and I had to go through a whole night of listening to stories that I have heard before. As well as listening to how Eddie got into and Ivy League School."

"Eddie? As in your cousin Eddie?"

"Yep. That's the one."

"No way. His father must have the school in his pocket."

"Definitely. I'm pretty sure he donates every year."

"It would have to be millions."

"I know right. So yeah, I drank a lot of wine and did shots with my Aunt Julia."

"I love Aunt Julia. Wendy and Steve don't, considering she got us completely pissed last time I went to one of your family events."

"I know. She's great."

"What did the principal say to you?"

"She just gave me a warning."


"What?" Said Millie as she laughed and then held her head because it hurt.

"When everyone comes back to school, I've got a week of after school detentions."

"Have fun."

I got up and grabbed some salty chips for Millie and I as well as some pizza for her.

"This is why I love you." She said as she ate her pizza.

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