One Game

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"One game. I'm only playing one game."

"Why?" Asked Luke as we followed him into the garden.

It wasn't Luke's party this time. It was one of his mate's parties. His house is huge and was filled with groups of differnt ages. He had pictures of him and his family on the mantle piece above the fireplace but it didn't give off a family vibe.

"Jay will kill me if he even smells a wiff of alcohol. He doesn't know I'm here."

"Once you've crossed that line, there's no going back."

"Whatever, Luke. So, what are the teams?"

The one game turned into three and I was drunker than I should've been. Millie was worse. She was stumbling all over the place and her legs had gone to jelly.

She slumped herself down onto the sofa and had started to drop off to sleep.

"Millie! C'mon, you're a mess. You have to wake up."

"Cassie, is she okay?" Asked Brad, whose party it was.

"I think so. She's extremely drunk and she keeps passing out."

"I've called a taxi." Said Luke as he picked up Millie and carried her out to the car.

"She's not getting in." Said the guy.

"Please. We've got bags so she won't throw up in the car but we really need to leave." I said to him.

"Pay me double and maybe."

"No. Just take us home." I argued.

Brad moved me out of the way and handed the guy $100. I looked up at him and pulled a strange face but he pulled me into his side and whispered in my ear.

"You're welcome."

"Thank you but you didn't need to. We would've figured out another way to get home."

"No way. You're a friend of Luke's, which makes you a friend of mine."

"Well thanks. I'll pay you back as soon as possible."

"Nah. My treat. Just, give me Millie's number."

"I will on Monday, see you guys."

*Jay's Pov*

The case wasn't that important but it was a case and Hank had agreed to take it. It was about some kid, who had stolen money from some big business and they wanted to press charges. We were told to look into it and see if there was anything suspicious, which so far, there wasn't.

"Hey, where's Cassie tonight?" Asked Kevin as he dived into his chicken chow mein.

"At home."

"On a Saturday? By herself?" Asked Kim.

"Yeah. She spent the day with her mates and then asked to go to party. Obviously, I said no."

"Why?" Asked Antonio as he sat up to listen in.

"We are cops, Antonio. You know what happens at parties."

"Why don't you just teach her the basic rules as well as chuck in your own. Like, no alcohol intake."

"It's safer this way."

"Jay, you can't keep her in bubble wrap her whole life."

"I know, okay! Just let me look after her."

"Go home guys. There's nothing suspicious." Said Hank as he came out of his office.

"Finally. Is that really the time?" Said Adam as he stood up and chucked on his coat.

"Anyone wanna go Molly's?" Asked Kevin.

"I can't. I have to get home. Cassie is by herself and I feel bad."

"I wouldn't be surprised if she snuck out." Said Kim.

"No. She wouldn't do that."

"Really? Are you forgetting the second time we met her?" Laughed Kim.

"She wouldn't do that now, would she?"

"Get Adam to check her location." Said Hank.

"I have been though. It says she's at home."

"Let me take a look. I can do something that will reset the app. Anything suspicious about her location will show up."

"Okay. Have at it." I said as I handed my phone to Adam.

I went to turn around to collect my stuff but stopped when I heard a bunch of 'oohs.'


"She ain't home." Said Adam.

I rushed over to the laptop as I swung my coat on and slipped my arms in the sleeves. I put my hands on his shoulders as I looked at the screen. After seeing where she was, I grabbed my stuff and ran out to my car.

I started driving to the location Adam had sent me, with my hands tightened around the steering wheel but I stopped. I slammed on my breaks and stopped. I looked at the time on my phone before I turned around and started to head home.

When I walked in the door, Cassie wasn't in. Her door was closed and when I opened it, she had clothes everywhere. I started to clean up because she would come home drunk and she would end up tripping over and I didn't want her to get hurt. It should also be a punishment though because she would being cleaning up whilst hungover but I've got a better plan.

After I was done cleaning, I looked at my phone to see she was leaving the party. I took a seat and switched off the lights to make it look like I wasn't home and neither was Will.

*Cassie's Pov*

After I had dropped Millie off at home, the taxi guy drove me to my house. I looked up at the apartments, realising that none of the lights were on, which meant no one was home so I wouldn't be caught.

I feel bad, I do. I'm lying to Jay but it's not fair how he stops me from doing stuff I've done before.

I walked up the stairs or more like stumbled because I had had a few. As soon as I reached the door, I let out a sigh of relief before unlocking it and going in.

Just as I was about to shut the door, I heard a deep cough come from the corner of the room and the light was turned on.

Jay stood up from the sofa and looked pissed. He refused to meet my eyes so I dropped my head but I could feel him glaring at me.

"What the hell, Cassie?" He asked calmly.

"I don't know what you want me to say."

"Maybe start with sorry."



"I'm not sorry."

"This is not how I thought the conversation would go."

"You don't know the first thing about being a a parent."

"Okay. Now, hang on."

"No, I'm sorry but you don't. If you did, you would've let me go to that party and we wouldn't be having this discussion." I said as I looked up at him and raised my voice.

"Cassie, I don't want to argue."

"Then don't." I said and went to walk off.

Jay grabbed my arm and got me to face him. His face was full of hurt because of the way I had reacted. I was a little drunk but that didn't excuse my behaviour.


A/N: Sorry for the late one. I had some homework to do and I was struggling to focus on work and revision. Sorry :)

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