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We were in the car like normal, I was clutching onto my Teddy as I stared at all the big skyscrapers.

"It's your turn, Sunflower." Said Dad, that was his nickname for me.

"I spy with my little eye...something beautiful."

"That's a tough one, C." Said my mom as she turned and smiled at me.

"The sky?" Guessed my dad.

"Nope." I said with a small giggle.

"Okay. You?" He asked.


"How about mom?"

"Yay. You got it."

"Aw thank you sweetie. You are beautiful too, C." Said my mom as she smiled at me.

She reached round and grabbed my hand. I reached forward in my booster seat to connect our hands but my finger tips just slipped past hers.

My body was thrown sideways as my mom's head hit the window. The window cracked and my dad was shouting. He was turning the wheel quickly and his feet were moving up and down.

I looked to my side and opened my mouth to scream but nothing came out. A massive truck smacked into the side of us, causing our car to flip and roll and slide until we finally stopped.

My father's head was tilted back and his eyes were open. Maybe he was unconscious or he was just trying to joke and calm me down.

I reached out and shook his shoulder but he didn't move. Next, I reached around and searched for the pulse in his neck.

Mom had taught me some first aid after grandma had passed out one time. She taught me to check for a pulse. Either on the neck or on the wrist. I checked both but there was nothing.

"Swe-etie?" Asked my mom with a slight croak in her voice.

"Mommy? What happened? What's wrong with Papa?"

I sometimes called him Papa when I was worried about him.

He wasn't moving; he was just staring at me with horror filled eyes.

"I need you to take my phone and call 911." Said Mom.

I took her phone and dialed the number, the operator was so lovely and so patient with me.

"Is your mom breathing?"

"Yeah. I'll pass the phone to her."

"Mom?" I asked her as I tapped her arm to get her to face me.

She didn't move.

"Mom?" I asked again as I undid my seat belt and leant forward.

There was broken glass everywhere and people had started to approach the vehicle. Hands were grabbing at the doors and were trying to pry it open.

"Leave! Go away. Don't come in!" I shouted towards them.

"They are trying to help you, Cassie." Said the operator.

"I don't want help! I want my momma!"

"I'm sure she is okay. Can you check for a pulse?"

"But she was breathing earlier. She was talking."

"Can you please just check?"

I reached my shaking hand around and carefully felt for a pulse. My blood ran cold when I realised there was nothing there. I couldn't feel anything.

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