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"This is your fault. I've told her before that you are a bad influence."

"I'm sorry." Said Cassie as she stood there in the middle of the ER.

She was hugging her stomach as she kept her head down and let her tears fall.

"Are you forgetting what happened last time? The footage. They were one second away from hitting you. Then you go and put my daughter through it."

"It's like you have some kind of death wish." Said Jamie.

"I'm sorry, I really am."

"I had to beg them last time to not call the police. I haven't told your parents but maybe I should. Tell them how reckless their child is."

"They wouldn't care. They never do."

"We love you, Cassie, we really do but we can't save you this time. Your parents will have to sign you out and you can face the consequences."


"Maybe stay away from Millie for a bit."

"Yeah, I will but can you tell her that it's not my doing. I want to meet up but you won't allow it."

"Of course."

"Have a good Christmas, Cassie. Millie, say your goodbyes." Said Rebecca as she walked to the door with Jamie.

"I'm sorry Millie. I really am. I was reckless, I was stupid and I just wanted to feel happy. I wanted to...no enough excuses. I'm sorry."

"I'm okay."

"You're not though. Your bestfriend put you in danger. You should have listened to Yaz."

"Yaz isn't my bestfriend. You are and I trust you."

"You shouldn't."

"Yes I should and I still do."

"Maybe your dad's correct. Maybe I do have a death wish. Because if I die, maybe they'll actually cry. Maybe for once they'll actually be sad."

"C'mon, don't talk like that. Nine years of putting up with them, you can go longer. I know you can. Or, you tell him."


"Jay wants to help."

"Thanks for the suggestion. I'll see you soon."

"You too. I'll miss you." Said Mille and hugged Cassie.

Cassie stood and watched them leave as tears ran down her face. Why does everyone always leave?

She wiped her eyes and went to turn around but a pair of arms engulfed her in a hug. She cried into their chest, not knowing who it was but she didn't care. The hug was nice and for once, she felt safe, warm, looked after.

"Hey, shh. It's okay. I've got you." Said Boden.

Cassie pulled away from the hug and looked up at him. Everything hit her like a bulldozer. She's hugged him before but when?

"Wow, you've grown."

"Yep, no longer 4'10." Said Cassie.

"Are you okay?"

"Mhm. I need to go."

"Your parents need to sign this."

"Good luck getting them here. They are in Spain."

"Where's your sister?" Asked Ethan.

"With them."

Cassie watched as Will reached into his pocket and swiped down, most likely looking for Jay's name.

"Don't call Jay."

"What? How do you know my brother?" Asked Will.

"Don't call him. Please. Just let me leave, you won't have to see me again."

"It's a legal requirement." Said Ethan.

"What is? Calling him or calling the police? Jay is a detective."

"No, the paperwork."

Boden signed the paperwork and Cassie thanked him before she grabbed her stuff and left. Ethan and Will jogged towards the door to see Cassie skating away and wiping her face.

Cassie wiped her face with her sleeve but she soon gave up as tears poured out of her eyes. She skated away, listening to music but had to pull over because she couldn't see where she was going.

She walked to the edge of the water and paused before she jumped in. It's nothing new to her. She's done it before except last time it was with Millie. They kind of made it their thing. It's like a polar plunge, well that's what they call it.

She floated below the water, holding her breath as she looked around the dark abyss. It was quiet. No shouting. No crying. It was peaceful.

It was anyway, until ripples went through the water and another person appeared beside Cassie. She turned in the water to look at who had jumped in.

Millie was floating next to her with a big smile on her face. She swam towards Cassie and engulfed her in a hug. Once they let go, they just stared at each other. Their white faces were very bright compared to the dark blue water surrounding them.

They stayed down for as long as they could until they needed to come up for air. As soon as they reached the surface, they both burst into laughter and floated on their backs.

"God, I missed this." Said Millie.

"Are you not in pain?"

"No. I really wasn't that hurt. I just passed out after being knocked out."

"I thought you would miss this."

"Miss this? Never."

"How did you get away from your parents?"

"I hopped out of the car at some traffic lights. They're sorry by the way."

"It's fine."

"So one tradition is down. The next is, Luke's party."

"I'm going. What about you?"

"I wouldn't miss it."

"You should probably head back."

"So should you. Jeez, this water is cold."

"Are you girls okay?" Asked some young guy with blonde hair as he looked at them.

"We're fine." They both said.

"You really shouldn't be in this water."

"Why's that?"

"It's cold."

"Uniformed services do this every year for charity. Why can't we do it for fun?" Said Millie.

"You can. I'm just saying."

"We're fine but thank you." Said Cassie.

The guy walked off and the girls climbed out of the water. Cassie had taken off her flannel shirt before hand so she put that back on to keep her warm. Millie had a big fluffy coat that she put on and zipped up.

"I love you. I'll see you tomorrow night for that party." Said Millie.

"Love you too, see you then."

Cassie skated back and quickly ran inside when she had gotten home. She quickly stripped off and got in her shower as soon as it was hot enough for her.

After her shower, she got changed into some pajamas and fluffy socks before she went downstairs. She made herself a cup of hot chocolate and watched a Christmas movie before going to bed.

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