Hey, I Guess

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When we arrived at the cemetery, I stayed in the car for about five minutes before I had the guts to get out.

"Do you want me to stay here?"

"Uh, yeah. I think it would be best. Sorry, that sounded rude."

"Relax, it's fine. I'll wait here for when you're done."

"You can go if you want."

"No. I'll stay."


I slowly walked down the path as I looked at the directions that Chloe had found for me. I started to stress out because I couldn't find the path I was on but I soon bumped into someone. Literally bumped. My head hit his chest and I looked up with a worried expression.

"Sorry. I'm really sorry. I'm lost. I know it sounds strange, getting lost in a cemetery. Maybe the ghosts will tell me where to go." I said through nervous laughter.

"It's fine. Let me guess, you've came in from the east entrance."

"There's more than one?" I asked as I smacked my self in the face, full of embarrassment.

"Hey, it's okay. Let me see. Oh, this isn't a map. Just instructions." He said as he took the instructions from me.


He looked down at the instructions before his face turned to shock. He looked like he had seen an actual ghost.

"Um, I-I work here. I've been doing this for a couple of years now. My old boss told me about these people. No one has ever visited these graves. Are you related to them?"

"Uh, yeah. They are my parent's graves."

"Wow. I'm sorry, it's just...I've never seen anyone here. Their graves always look so new because of how well they are cleaned. I always place down new flowers when the others are in their way out. It's not just theirs, I do it to others too."

"Well, thank you. This may sound bad but I forgot about their deaths and the funeral until just the other night."

"You're the child who survived the accident."

"Yep. That's me."

"Sorry for your loss, I know that sounds stupid saying it now but I am sorry. I'm sorry that no one could remind you of what had happened."

"I was young. They were just trying to protect me."

"Well, here you are." He said as we finally stopped at two graves.

They were the only graves that were in this area. The grass was short but alive and the flowers were so bright, it brought life to the graves.

I smiled and said goodbye to the man as he walked off to clean up an area of turned over soil and to put down some grass seeds.

I sat down in the dew covered grass and trailed my fingers through it before I raised my head and looked at the two. Lifting myself onto my tiptoes, I ran my fingers along the names as a small tear escaped. I quickly wiped it away and sniffed before I sat back down.

"Hey, I guess. I don't know what to say. I wanted to do this earlier but I just couldn't. Mainly because I was afraid, afraid of this. Sitting at your graves, staring at the small vines that are creeping up the bottom of them. I don't know what to say."

"You've finally made me speechless. It's a shock really because I used to be a right chatter box. I remember when Sandy told me at school to shut up. I came home that day in tears but mom you made it better. You painted our nails and we had a spa day. You let me talk as much as I needed too. And Dad, you taught me how to cook. You taught me what seasonings go with what food. We did a cooking competition together and we won."

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