Clearing things up

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I started to open my eyes when I heard a creak in the floorboard.

"Sorry, Jay. I was trying not to wake you."

I felt a little hurt that she didn't call me dad but I just brushed it off and thought maybe she was tired.

"It's okay. It's probably a good thing you woke me considering we have to be at the district in an hour."

"Why? It's a Saturday."

"Go talk to Will, he'll explain."

"Morning, Will."

"Morning, Cassie. I got you that meeting." He said as Cassie's face turned to shock.

She stood up quickly and rushed over to him to give him a hug before she ran over to me and hugged me.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." She said as she hugged us both.

I made some pancakes for all of us while Cassie got dressed. She came out in a pair of jeans, with a white crop top and a jacket that said Reckless across it.

"I made breakfast." I said as she came out of her room.

She was acting awkward and I wanted to ask her so badly about last night but I didn't want her to be thinking about it when she was talking to the twins.

Will kept giving me side glances and it was starting to get on my nerves.

"What?" I said as I turned towards him while Cassie was grabbing her phone and brushing her teeth.

"Are you not going to talk about last night? Whatever happened needs to be talked about. She was not okay."

"I'll deal with it, okay?"

"Jay, she didn't call you dad this morning. Something is definitely up."

"I don't need to be told that, okay! I'm well aware."

"Is everything okay?" Asked Cassie as she came out of her room.

"Yes. Everything is fine."

"Not it's not. What happened last night?" Asked Will as he pushed past me.

"I had a bad dream."

"You called Jay by his name."

"I'm stressed okay. I remembered the car crash last night and was worried. I was worried that you'd think I was some messed up kid and get rid of me. I'm allowed to be worried!" Snapped Cassie towards Will as she stepped closer.

I took a step between the two in case something was to happen. I doubt it would but you could never be too careful.

"Dad, can we go?" She asked towards me.

"Don't be forced to call me dad if you don't want to."

"Can we talk about the dream later, okay? I need to focus on talking to them. I don't know what I'm going to say and I don't need ginger over there, judging me."

"Okay. Chill. Both of you. Cassie, you know I would never get rid of you, not after I fought so hard to adopt you. I was a little hurt by you not calling me dad but as I said before it's up to you on what you address me as. And Will, please just leave it."

"I'm sorry, Dad."

"Don't be sorry. Now, let's get going before we are late." I said as I walked towards the door.

When we arrived at the District, Wendy and Steve were stood in the downstairs office with the twins. They came out with smiles on their faces before they headed upstairs.

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