Stay With Me

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*No One's Pov*

Wendy had signed Cassie up for some programme at school for an extra week. It was mainly to keep her out of trouble. The programme was aimed at people who were late this term.

For the first two days, Cassie had dragged herself out of bed and dressed in some baggy joggers as well as a baggy jumper. She brushed her hair through and then skated to the school. She didn't care what time it was; she didn't want to be there.

"Cassie, in order for this week to work, you aren't supposed to be turning up late."

"Be glad I actually showed up. I could've just stayed home."

"Enough with the attitude. Detention at lunch."

"I thought this wasn't like school."

"You are in school so you will be treated like you are in actual school times."

"I'm not happy that you keep turning up late." Said the principal.

"You being happy isn't really a big priority of mine. Passing high school and getting the hell out of this city is a big priority. Sorry if I've hurt your feelings but at this point I don't actually care."

"Detention for a week when everyone comes back to school."

"Alright. See you there." Said Cassie as she walked off.

"I wasn't done talking."

"I'm done listening."

"They can kick you off the track team." Said Coach as she jogged over to me.

"They wouldn't. We are the only team that can actually win stuff."

"What's going on with you? Where's happy Cassie gone?"

"Bad day."

"Be happy, it's Christmas in a week."

"And yet I'm stuck in this shitty place."

"Hey, I know it isn't great but you get more study in to help you in your later years. You could become a cop, a doctor, anything."

"I want to be a detective."

"See, there you go. Studying helps."

"I always study."

"I know but more is always great."

"I guess. Now, are we gonna run or are we gonna talk."

"Nice one, C. Let's meet up with the others, yeah?" Said Coach as she nudged my arm.

The only part that Cassie enjoys in this programme, is the extra track meetings. Running helps to get her mind off things, like family.

On Wednesday, Cassie decided to not go to school. She honestly couldn't be asked. However, her phone was blowing up all over the place with texts and calls.

She reached over to her bedside and swiped the green phone symbol before placing the phone next to her ear.


"Get out of bed, Cassandra and get your ass to school. We paid for you to do this programme and trust me, you are going to go."

"No thanks, Wendy. It's not really my thing."

"You will go. They are sending officers over to the house. We've told them that we are out at work and the kids are at their grandmas. Stick to that story. Get dressed and go to school."

"Bye, Wendy."

"Cassie, I swear to god."

"You swear what? C'mon, if you are going to threaten it, might as well say what it is."

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