Chapter 3: Transmigration

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Bai Yu got herself admitted into a hospital. Afterall, she didn't want to die in her house where she wouldn't be discovered by anyone until atleast the next day...

When the last 15 seconds remained, she looked peacefully at the white ceiling as a countdown appeared in her mind.

"10!" She started having difficulty in breathing.

"9!" She pressed the button on the side table to call the nurses.

"8!" All her life appeared in front of her eyes like a movie.

"7!" Time seemed to pass very slowly, a second seemed almost like an hour.

"6!" A beautiful smile appeared on Bai Yu's face.

"5!" A nurse suddenly entered the room, just to see Bai Yu breathing almost negligibly with a smile on her face.

"4!" The nurse ran to call the doctor.

"3!" Bai Yu felt her vision darkening.

"2!" There was nothingness in front of her.

"1!" Someone opened the room of her ward, but her breathing suddenly ceased and so did her existence in this world.


"Ding! You are about to be sent to ancient times, please prepare yourself. In addition, you will start recieving daily rewards and points after you reach there. Happy cooperation!"

Bai Yu felt nothing. It was a constant state of being immersed in nothingness. After what felt like hours but at the same time mere seconds, she started feeling extremely cold.

She opened her eyes and tried to stand up, but her limbs had already become stiff from kneeling too long. She saw a tomb in front of her, then looked at her clothes to find that they were the same as what the girl in her dream wore.

Bai Yu looked around; it was a small hill, with no vegetation around. Before she could observe anything else, her brain was flooded with unfamiliar memories.

Bai Yu, a fifteen year old girl, lived a happy life with her parents. While fleeing from the famine in the South, her parents happened to come across this deserted inn. The innkeeper was an old man who was ill.

As there were several roads that crossed this region, the road where the inn was located, was not very popular. There were almost no customers, and thus no way to earn. Driven by their kindness, the Bai couple took care of the old man, who, in turn, provided them with accommodation. However, after a few months, the old man, who had no relatives, passed away, leaving the inn to the Bai couple.

The Bai couple spent their days taking care of the inn and their only daughter who was born after coming to the inn. But when their daughter Bai Yu turned 10, Shen QingMei, Bai Yu's mother, passed away.

The following years were spent with the father and daughter's depression and sadness. This winter, when Bai Yue had just turned 15, father Bai fell ill. He could not go to the town which was 50 miles away, with his ill body, and Bai Yu, who had never gone more than 2 miles away from the inn, was forced into helplessness.

And yesterday night, in the heavy rain of december, father Bai also passed away. When Bai Yu from the modern world came through, the original owner of the body had finished burying her father, next to her mother's tomb, on the hill near the inn and kept kneeling on the cold ground for almost 12 hours, which caused her death.

Bai Yu, while feeling pity for the family's difficult life, immediately went into the space for warmth. After resting for almost 8 hours in the space, she went outside where only 2 hours had passed.

Before going back to the inn, Bai Yu paid homage to the Bai couple and sprinkled some rose petals on their tombs.

Reaching the inn, Bai Yu looked at its dilapidated appearance and decided to redecorate it as soon as possible. However, money was required for everything. She rummaged through the whole inn and to her disappointment, only managed to find a tael of silver from father Bai's cupboard.

Remembering the daily rewards and points, she looked at the screen in her mind. Clicking at the gift box, another 'ding' sounded in her mind.

"You have been awarded 10 taels of silver and 1x point. Check-in tomorrow to receive more awards."

The system turned out to be extremely helpful at the most important time. Fine, she would go to the town for a mason tomorrow.

For the time being, Bai Yu went into the space, ate a warm meal, took some medicine for cold and went back into the original owner's room to sleep.

Although it was quite scary, being in a dilapidated roadside inn on a deserted road by herself, she unexpectedly slept very deeply.

After a dreamless sleep, she woke up in the morning and prepared for a busy day ahead.

Eating steamed buns with hot lean meat porridge, Bai Yu decided upon her schedule for the day.

Off to a new start, Jiayou!

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