Chapter 9: Ye Lincheng

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"Bai Yu? What are you doing here?" The man looked pleasantly surprised as he saw Bai Yu walking towards him from a distance.

To be honest, when Ye LinCheng first went to the Moonlight Inn, he was not very surprised since he had traveled to many countries in his life; thus having seen more wierd stuff than others could ever imagine.

However, when he saw the owner of the inn, the 16 year old Bai Yu, he was truly surprised. Then as he stayed there for some time and watched her manage the inn, gradually making it self-sufficient by claiming farm land near the back mountain, he could not help but admit that his surprise at first turned into admiration, and had now developed into a crush. He himself was 19, and had started travelling ever since he turned 12, and thus held great admiration for all those people who were capable.

Now, looking at the beautiful girl whom he had not been able to meet for a few months now, he was really pleasantly surprised.

"Yup. I have started spreading branches of my inn to various cities in the country, and this city was on the way to the Capital, so here I am! But what about you; didn't you go to the Imperial Capital for an urgent business? Has it been resolved?" Bai Yu asked in surprise as she looked at her good friend whom she had not met for a few months.

"Yes, it was resolved long ago, I was thinking of going to the nomadic regions this time around, so I left the Capital not long ago; and Rong City happened to be in the way so I just conveniently had a stay here for some days... But I have to say, ever since I've stayed at the Moonlight Inn, no other inn appeals me so.." Ye LinCheng happily replied to Bai Yu as he took in her pleasant tone.

While talking, they both walked forward and watched various people happily preparing for the lantern festival. Ye LinCheng took Bai Yu to a well-known restaurant for some late night snacks as he talked to her about various matters in the Capital. He knew she would always somehow be thinking about her business, so he only talked about the various businesses and shops he had invested in. He also told her about various locations where shops and land was being sold in the Capital.

Bai Yu was very grateful to him; she knew he must have inquired about all these things before leaving the Capital for her since he knew her plans about eventually spreading her business into the Capital.

After the tea and snacks, they both left the restaurant and walked towards the inn Bai Yu was currently staying at. She bid him farewell as he was to continue his journey at night.

Bai Yu went into the space to take a relaxing hot bath. After reading some chapters of a novel, she finally decided to sleep in her comfy bed in the space.

The next few days went by as Bai Yu observed and gave instructions about the new inn being built, and when it finally took shape, her people near Rong City also arrived and thus she finally left for the Capital.

After a long agonizing journey on the horse carriage, as Bai Yu gazed at the huge gates of the Imperial Capital, she only felt relieved. After this journey, she could currently feel no other emotion except relief.

As her carriage neared the gate, she swept aside the curtains only to see one of her people she had sent to the Capital early on, to make preparations. Well, it seemed they had already established a foothold in the Capital.

Stepping foot inside the courtyard her people had managed to buy, she felt satisfied regarding her early preparations: only due to that could she now enjoy herself instead of continuing to work on the first day of arrival. She wanted nothing more than to rest in a soft bed.


On the other side, Lu HanMing could not calm his mind as he looked at the secret letter in front of him.

He had felt he was alone. He was beginning to accept that there would be no her in this world; that he had to live alone for the rest of his life. For the first time since he came here, he thanked God. It could not be a coincidence, that there happened to be a Bai Yu here, who also happened to be a businesswoman with specific goals, a person with not only goals but also kindness carved deep in her heart.

He knew he had found the person he was looking for since forever. He could not afford to lose her once again by wasting time.

He immediately strode outside and told his men that he was to depart with them immediately. He wanted to go there himself to confirm that Bai Yu was the same person he was looking for. He could not waste time any further.


I am really sorry for the late update guys... I had an important exam two days ago and thus was really busy. I will try to set a specific schedule for my next updates; wish me luck ;)

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