Chapter 13: The End

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"This subject pays her respect to Your Majesty!" Bai Yu slightly bent her knees to show respect to the emperor.

"You may rise." The emperor gave a meaningful glance to Bai Yu and let her rise.

This girl had attracted his attention as soon as she first opened her inn in the Capital. One of his sons had investigated this girl just to find out that she had managed to come here all by herself from a place near the borders.

Her extraordinary capability was really a treat for the eyes. After having his men secretly follow this girl for a few months, now that he was sure there were no suspicious points about her, he had summoned her to the palace.

In the Capital, several of his important Ministers controlled the various businesses going on almost all over the country. This girl made him see the potential in a field where no one else had ventured before. The beauty and cleanliness related products that she had introduced had quickly become popular all over the country.

Since she currently had no backing, he wanted to take advantage of the situation and draw profits to himself. Thus, Bai Yu could currently be seen standing in the center of this hall.


Bai Yu heaved a sigh of relief; dealing with an emperor was no joke. Being the person on top of a whole empire, he naturally had the ability to exploit a meager person like her to the fullest. But having the confidence to not back down in face of pressure, she finally managed to obtain a win-win deal: the emperor would be her backer as well as investor while she would share 50% of her profits with him.

Now she was ready to see her business skyrocket; being backed by the emperor was enough publicity. Now there would only be lack of supply, never the lack of demand.

So now she was ready to go on a business trip to visit all her branches and ensure there was no corruption of any level going on among her employees of any level.


5 years later:

Bai Yu was looking at her account books that showed the profits she had earned in her business this year. She was secretly glad, if the emperor hadn't found her a few years ago, her inns could never have this level of publicity, resulting in the two names, 'Moonlight' and 'WindFrost' famous all over the country.

The most important thing was, she had almost accomplished the goal she set for herself since the start; almost all the folks in the whole country knew that WindFrost, the famous mysterious organization, recruited poor kids from all over the country.

Instead of selling their kids, the poor people had a better option now, and that was to bring their kids to the courtyards belonging to WindFrost. They'd accept the kids, give proper amounts of money to the parents, and then teach useful talents to the kids.

The kids could live a life of respect, learn various talents and martial arts, and even go back to meet their parents every once in a while. Bai Yu couldn't change the status quo in this world by her ownself, but she actually succeeded in changing one of the darkest situations in the country, and that was the selling of kids.

The WindFrost members would not only recruit the kids brought by their parents, they'd also go to various markets and search different places, just to save kids from being sold in black markets or becoming beggars.

This organisation had now saved the lives of countless kids and given them hope for the future, as the kids grew up, they began different jobs and tasks, and instead of being estranged with relatives for selling them, they could have good relationships with their family; and the poor people could have both their kids and money. Many male and female scholars emerged from the organisation; becoming officials and ministers.

Whenever she looked at this completely changed country having vigour and young blood full of enthusiasm, Bai Yu felt that probably this was the purpose for her being transmigrated here; perhaps she was chosen to change this country's situation.


Thousands of light years away, a strange looking alien watched all this happening on a screen, he finally smiled when he sensed this thought of Bai Yu.

He was the owner of the system that took Bai Yu to the ancient times. Yes, that's right!

People in the interstellar era were interested in all kinds of strange hobbies, and this alien's hobby was to watch people on various worlds living their lives.

One day, he noticed that in a specific ancient era, there was an increasing trend in the phenomena of selling kids for livelihood. So he chose an ambitious person that he really liked to watch doing official business, to go in that era and change the situation. He sent the system to her, conveniently created an identity similar to the woman in that ancient era, gave her space, and then sent her there. Ofcourse, if she resisted, he wouldn't force her to go to a completely different era..

But as expected of his favourite person, the girl was as decisive as ever, and chose to accept this without any resistance.

The only variable was this man in her world. He probably used to like her, but never expressed it. So when Bai Yu went to the ancient era, another alien who was following that man's progress, took pity on him and sent him to that same era to give him a chance. And that's how Lu MingHan also reached the ancient era and then successfully found her.

Unfortunately, in these few years, Bai Yu wasn't interested in romantic relationships, but they had a whole life infront of them, so, who knows!


A/N: Yes, yes, I know its a super fast completely unexpected ending, but I never imagined that so much would happen in the mere course of a few months. So basically, long story short, my brother got really ill, and then passed away. Then I lost any motivation to write, and then wattpad somehow became unavailable in my area. So I opened wattpad today with two matters in mind.

First of all, although this is indeed a hurried ending, its definitely the ending I had originally thought of, just not the gradual ending I originally wanted to write. Hope all the readers enjoyed this short novel since it was my first try, and didn't find too many mistakes in my writing style. (Well, I can't write romance but atleast I completed the novel..)
So I'm sorry guys, but I knew I couldn't just continue this process of no updates but no end of story in sight, so I just decided to finish this novel today.

I'm currently editing this novel from the start so stay tuned!
I hope you guys will support me as you always do and pray for my brother🤲

Goodbye for now!!!

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