Part 1 Chp 16: Taehyung, Convincing the Boy, Kim Sunoo

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I glanced towards the boy sitting beside me and he's also just looking at these two idiots.

"Myung, let's go, come with me. Let's talk to Sunoo." Jungkook and Arya quickly glanced at me when I finally spoke. As much as I wanted to leave Jungkook and Myung alone, I couldn't do that because that Arya bastard is in here and it would be endangering this moe brother of mine.

I can't let him touch my cute little brother, no, no, no!

Myung nodded and stood up, bowing to the king afterwards.

Myung spoke with respect, "Your Majesty, me and my brother will now go outside. Many thanks for the delicious meal." I felt my heart soften once again. My brother is so adorable!

Jungkook responded, "Let me go with you." and began to get up, but Arya halted him in his tracks.

With a brief glance at me, Arya replied, "No, I will go with him." However, because Jungkook has a powerful grip, all it took was one shove for him to force Arya back onto the chair.

"I will go with him." Jungkook replied, his tone becoming hard. What's the problem with these two, really? Why are they so eager now to go with Myung? I glanced at Myung when I felt his hand clenching at mine.

Suddenly getting distressed with his nephew and son, the monarch questioned, "What are you both doing, huh?"

With a heavy sigh, I shot the most menacing glance I've ever had.

"It's just me and Myung, understand? Therefore stop your, I don't know, petty argument and don't stress His Majesty!" Despite my strong desire to give Myung to Jungkook right now, I realized that would not be a good idea because Myung might feel uncomfortable around Jungkook.

That Jungkook bastard, it's still hard for me to have him and Myung have interaction but he's making it super extra hard today. Myung may now view Jungkook in a different light.

And for Arya? That fucker really dare to come back again and announced that he'll go with us. He ruined my plan again. Sigh.

"After I invite Sunoo with me, we will go straight to the field. Your Majesty, thank you again for the meal, please excuse us." The king just nodded and smiled, wiping his forehead full of sweat.

I immediately held Myung's hand and led him outside, Arya called us again but I chose to just ignore him.

"Myung, are you okay?"

"Huh?" Myung curiously asked, I just chuckled and shook my head. I hundred percent think Jungkook is slowly realizing his feelings towards Myung since he's subtly fighting with Arya now. Just a little push and my mission will be successful.

Bur Arya is ruining it all, grr! Really, even I, the original villain of the story, couldn't take the attitude of Arya. Is he for real? Why did the author make his character like that? I mean, the author could just make him as a trusted friend of Jungkook, an ally that he met on the battlefield, or just simply a dog, but today, a dog is even kinder than him. I just want to go back to the first time we met at the carnival wherein I'm still unaware of his real identity! He's more mature and noble during that time than today!

I went back again to where I saw Sunoo earlier, thinking that he might be here again, but I just disappointed myself since there's no one else standing here, just me and Myung.

Oh wait, I almost forgot, he's working in the kitchen! I held Myung's hand again and led him, thanks to the guidance of one palace guard I met while walking, to the royal kitchen of the palace.

Whoa, this isn't even a kitchen anymore. There are a lot of workers in this huge space. They are all creating something on their own; some are baking, cooking, and dashing to and from an aisle, while others are doing the dishes for later.

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