Part 62 - Missing...

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During the lunch, Jimin couldn't resist to analyze and taking notes of the dishes. Y/N found his behavior cute and for her, he looked more and more like a Chef. It was really his passion. She was having fun, once again, thanks to one of her dear brother. Jin texted her several times to be sure that she was fine.

Jimin: I am full... but it was delicious, right?

Y/N: Yes. I am sure that Jungkook and Taehyung would have love to be here.

Jimin: After what they did last night, they won't be able to go out for a while!

Y/N: You too, you drunk alcohol before being an adult?

Jimin: Ahahah... why are you asking me that?

Y/N: So, it's a yes... and you never got caught?

Jimin: It was very occasional and without excess... but you, you can't do that! No alcohol for you, never!

 but you, you can't do that! No alcohol for you, never!

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Y/N shook her head. There was a lot of things that her brothers forbidden her to do that them, have the right to do. Fortunately, she was not interested about those things, and it would avoid more drama with the boys.

Jimin wanted to enjoy more time outside the house with his little sister so when they reached the car, he asked the driver to take them to an exposition at Insadong. He found out about that event last night while searching for an activity that could please Y/N.

Jimin: Ah... you were not the one who drove us here?

Driver: No, Dong Man was called for a family issue, so I came to take his shift. Do you want to go back home?

Jimin: Not yet can you please drive us to this address.

Y/N smiled to the man in charge of their protection. She recognized him, he was driving her from time to time. She had sympathy for him after the incident at the folkloric village. After he failed to protect her against Jungkook's ex-friends, Yoongi was ready to kill him. She still remembered the strong slap that he received and the fact that he kneeled and apologized in front of her brothers. The elders could be scary when they wanted.

At school, Jungkook and Taehyung had lunch with their friends. Jin asked them to retrieve the lessons for Y/N with the head teacher and they went to the teachers' office before the afternoon classes. When the teacher asked about Y/N's condition, Taehyung only said that she was sick.

When they left the office, Jungkook bumped against a middle-aged woman. He apologized and helped her to pick up her stuffs. She was part of the cleaning staff and the teenager's attention was attracted by the uniform of that employee.

Taehyung: What's wrong? You know her? Why are you staring at that woman like that? Is it love at first sight??? (He asked in a mocking tone.)

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