Part 63 - Endgame

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Choi Dong-Soo: Hi guys... Jimin-ah, long time no see...

Jimin: Choi Dong-Soo... why... why did you kidnap us? Did you lose your mind?

Dong-Soo laughed and approached the siblings. Y/N was scared, and she didn't dare to move. That man wanted to touch her head and she flinched.

Jimin: Don't touch her!!!

Choi Dong-Soo: Don't be afraid little Y/N... we are cousin, I don't want to hurt you and if you and your "brothers" do as I say, no one will get hurt.

Jimin: So, it's you... you sent those photos? Why?

Choi Dong-Soo: To teach your family a lesson... and okay, using that little girl was maybe not nice but... after all... she also rejected me, just like you all did!

Jimin: We never rejected you!

Choi Dong-Soo: You all treated me like I was nothing... even her...

Jimin didn't understand that an adult could react like that. They let him work at their company after their uncle passed away and for him, they had a simple relationship. They were not close for sure but not mean to the point to organize a diabolic revenge like he did.

Choi Dong-Soo: You know that Jin slapped me in front of everyone just because of you... and he makes me work as a cleaner... me!

Y/N: I... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... please... let us go...

Jimin: And you... (He glared at Lee.) Why did you betray our family?

Lee Ji-Man: Pretty much for the same reason... it's not against you Miss, but you know how merciless your brothers can be... and the proud of a man is important, no matter what is his job. And if we can have some money as compensation... why not!

Jimin: So, you're doing this more for money that for you're pride... because you sold your pride to that man by betraying us!

Lee punched Jimin. He was angry by the young man's words. Y/n covered her mouth with her hands to retain her sobs. Jimin took the hit without flinching. No way to show those men that he was afraid of them. Even if he was not involved with the Mafia business of his family, he was not a coward or weak.

Choi Dong-Soo: And I thought that you were the nicest of your brothers... but you can be mean too!

Jimin: F*** you!

Choi Dong-Soo : Jimin-ah... pay attention to your language, your dear little sister is here. Poor little cousin, all of this must scare you... should we call your eldest brother?

Y/N was surprised by Choi's proposition. She shyly nodded. He smiled and took his phone. Jimin, him, knew that it was useless to be delighted. If Choi wanted to contact his brothers, it was only to prove that he was leading the game he put in place.

He wanted to pressure them and also showed to everyone that he was, at that instant, powerful. He was not surprised by the angry expression of his interlocutor.

A little earlier, at the Kim company, the brothers were tracking the places owned by their late uncle. If Choi Dong-Soo was behind everything, he had limited resources and they didn't think that he was able to have a lot of men working for him.

Suddenly, Jin's phone rang, and his eyes darken. He accepted the video call. Hoseok and Namjoon stopped everything.

 Hoseok and Namjoon stopped everything

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