Part 109 - 3 years later...

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It was spring again... and with that a new chapter for the family.

Let's start with the traditional age recap J

Kwan 3y, 1st year preschool, Y/N 18y3m, 3 year of Uni, JK 21y7m, last year Uni, Tae 23y3m, work full time company, Jimin 24y6m, Chef, Namjoon 26y7m, work full time company, Hoseok 28y work at youth center, Yoongi, 29y, Jin 30y4m, work full time company.

Kwan was about to start preschool. The little boy was way smarter than those of his age. He was already capable of reading and writing. Namjoon felt proud of his little brother and suggested that they registered him into a school and grade adapted to his level, but Yejin refused. She wanted his little baby to grow with children of his age and learn to be a child, no a genius heir of the Kim family. No wanted to make his mother sad, Kwan didn't argue with her. He made a deal with Namjoon to have special lessons on weekend. Even Mr Kim was surprised by his son's intelligence, but he agreed with his wife. Kwan needed to spend time with other kids. 

Y/N was graduated from high school with honors. She chose to follow a literary course at university. Thanks to Park Hyerin, she found out that she wanted to become a writer. And she was not the only one influence by the young woman. Sohyun was also interested by this domain, and she wanted to be a publisher. So, the two young girls had several classes in common.

Y/N's arrival at the university didn't pass unseen. First of all, because she integrated it at 16 and after, that she was Jungkook and Taehyung little sister.

As expected, very few boys dared to invite her on a date. After her two brothers threatened to beat everyone, Y/N only had two outing, but nothing more and nothing really interesting. The young girl preferred to focus on her studies.

About Sohyun, things were going well too. She was still dating Ji-So who followed an IT course in the same university, just like Do-Gwang. The two boys became friends with Jun too.

Speaking of Jun, after graduating, Mr Kim offered him a position in the joint company that he created with Mr Louis.

The young man worked directly with the French businessman and Miss Carat. He travelled a lot and learned a lot too. He was very grateful to his friend's father, and everyone thought that he was an asset for the company. Jun was not the only that received help from Mr Kim.

The head of the family had, in the shadow, bought the publisher company in contract with Hyerin. She was his son's wife to be, so it was a normal thing to do for him. Even more when his daughter said that she wanted to work in that domain and Sohyun too.

He would do anything to offer the best opportunities to those girls. Only Mr Park and Namjoon were aware about this. In due time, he will make sure to have Y/N and Sohyun working in the company, until they can run it.

On Jungkook's side, things didn't change that much. He was working half time with his older brothers. He began his final year at university without difficulties. He was still officially single, even if he didn't live his university life as a monk. But just like Yoongi, no attachment, no engagement. 

For Taehyung, the past 2 years were rhythmed by his university classed and his intense training to be a full-time member of his mafia family business.

After the baby's birth, Mr Kim decided to work only half time to be present for his newborn. By a domino effect, Jin was in charge of most of the business, delegating his own work to Yoongi and Namjoon. The eldest needed someone of trust and who's better than their own brother to do the job? Like that, Taehyung managed few subsidiaries in the South of the country.

He felt proud to have his brothers' trust and for that, he invested himself a lot in his training, spending weeks at Busan to be sure to handle everything well.

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