Part 71 - New Café...

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Sohyun and Y/N were in their classroom, ready and waiting for the English teacher. It was not usual for him to arrive late, and the cause was revealed when the door opened.

 It was not usual for him to arrive late, and the cause was revealed when the door opened

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Teacher: Guys, please, calm down. It's not usual but today we welcome a new student... well a former student who just came back from Europe. Changmin, please take a free seat.

Choo-Hee: Whoua, Deabak, Changmin, you're really back!

Yura: Come here, sit next to me!

Teacher: Girls, you will have all the time to talk with your friend during the break.

At the view in front of her Y/N frowned. She already knew that her quiet days at school were over. After the incident with Choi Dong-Soo and her holidays in the US, Y/N went back to school, and she was surprised to not find Changmin in her class. She questioned herself on the influence of her family about his departure. Her classmates told her that his parents moved out to London for business.

When she asked Jin if he was aware of Changmin's departure and if he had something to do with this, Jin was honest with her.

Even if at the beginning Changmin's parents refused to find an agreement about the altercation between their son and Yoongi, in fine, they couldn't refuse the Kim's proposition to be in charge of a company in Europe. Jin managed everything during the kids' holidays. Y/N didn't ask more because she was glad that her brother will not have to face the police once again because of that kid.

Her classmates were less annoying with her too and with the arrival of Sohyun in her class the next year, everything was fine at school. But now, she was not so sure that everything will still be so smooth. For proof, the bad glare that Changmin send to her as soon as he put a feet in the room.

Sohyun: (She murmured.) There is things that doesn't change...

Y/N: (She murmured.) It seems so. Let's ignore him.

During the first classes, no words were exchanged between them. At lunch time, the two girls didn't go to the cafeteria. They had plan to sandwich with Jun at a park between their school and the University. It was their ritual, once a week since last year.

Jun: I need to find a gift for Jimin and your mother, for the opening of their café.

Sohyun: Me too... And I have no idea of what can please Jimin Oppa. For Aunty, I already found a nice hairpin.

Y/N: She will love it but Jun, don't stress for this, what matters is that you can be present for the little party.

Jun: I can maybe ask Taehyung or Jungkook ideas?

Sohyun: Ah Yes, ask them and tell me... please. 

She looked at him with puppy eyes and Y/N giggled. Jun was now like a big brother for Sohyun. The young man texted Y/N's brothers and he received few minutes later a lot of ideas.

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