Father's Day

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Rose wandered into the TARDIS' lounge, where the Doctor and the Artist were both lounging on the settee, watching a movie on the widescreen TV. "Ah, morning, Rose." the Artist greeted their friend, "What's that?" she asked, noticing something in Rose's hand. It was a photo of a man with auburn hair, brown eyes and a cheeky grin.

"Peter Alan Tyler, my dad." Rose explained, "The most wonderful man in the world. Born 15th of September 1954, died 7th of November 1987. He was always having adventures. He'd have loved to see me now. That's what mum always says. So, I was thinking... could we? Could we go back and see my dad when he was still alive?"

"Where's this come from, all of a sudden?" the Doctor asked.

"Alright then, if we can't, if it goes against the laws of time or something, then never mind, we'll just leave it." Rose mumbled.

"No, no, we can do it if we're careful." the Artist told her, "We're just worried about you."

"I wanna see him." Rose said determinedly.

The Time Lords got to their feet. "Your wish is our command." the Doctor said, "But be careful what yer wish for." And the trio made their way to the console room.

"Where d'ya wanna start?" the Artist asked Rose as they took up positions at the console.

"Um, their wedding." Rose replied, "3rd of September 1985, Southwark Registry Office."

"Right, Southwark Registry Office it is." the Doctor said, inputting co-ordinates.


The trio were soon sitting at the back of the registry office, witnessing the marriage of Jackie and Pete.

"I, Peter Alan Tyler..." the Registrar instructed, "Take you, Jacqueline Angela Suzette Prentice..."

"I, Peter Alan Tyler..." Pete began, "Take you, Jacqueline Suzanna... Suzette, Anita..." he tailed off, embarrassed at his mistake.

Jackie rolled her eyes at him. "Oh, just carry on." she told the Registrar, "It's good enough for Lady Di."

The Doctor and the Artist both grinned at Pete's little slip-up and turned to Rose. "I thought he'd be taller." she commented. The Artist squeezed her hand in comfort.

"... to be my lawful wedded wife, to love and behold 'till death do us part." the Registrar instructed Pete, who managed to repeat it successfully this time.


After the wedding, Rose and the Time Lords quietly returned to the TARDIS. "He died so close to home." Rose sighed, "He was going to a friend's wedding and he got hit by a car. Mum said it was a hit and run. He was dead when the ambulance got there. No one was with him. He died alone. Mum wished that someone had been there for him. I wanna be that someone, so he doesn't die alone."

"November the 7th?" the Doctor asked.

"1987." Rose confirmed.

The Doctor in-putted the co-ordinates and the Artist started the TARDIS' engines. Rose watched them apprehensively, then looked to the door.


On 7th of November 1987, the TARDIS materialised on a London suburban street. The trio stepped out of the box and looked around. It was a still, quiet sort of day. "That's so weird." Rose murmured, "The day my father died... I thought it'd be all sorta grim and stormy, it's just a normal day."

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