The Sontaran Stratagem

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Donna stood at the TARDIS console, actually piloting the box, with the Doctor and the Artist giving her instructions. "You're doing fine, Donna." the Artist encouraged. She had to admit, Donna was proving to be quite a natural.

"I can't believe I'm doing this!" Donna grinned.

"No, neither can I." the Doctor mumbled. It had been the Artist's idea to train Donna and he'd been rather apprehensive, but his fiancé had given him puppy dog eyes so he just couldn't say no. "Woah, careful!" he warned, giving the console a whack with his trusty mallet.

"Left hand down." the Artist instructed Donna, who complied.

"Getting a bit too close to the 1980's." the Doctor said, checking the monitor.

"What am I gonna do? Put a dent in 'em?" Donna scoffed.

"Well, someone did!" the Doctor retorted.

"I wonder who that was!" the Artist said sarcastically, a knowing smile on her face.

Donna chuckled, noting the duos exchange. Just then, she heard a phone ringing. "Hold on, that's a phone!" she remarked as the Doctor pulled a mobile phone from a slot on the console, "You've got a mobile?! Since when?"

"It's not mine." the Doctor replied.

"It's Martha's." the Artist added, taking the phone from the Doctor and answering it; "Hello?"

"Artist, glad to hear ya voice again." the voice of Martha Jones said over the other end, "It's Martha, and I'm bringing you both back to Earth."


The trio were soon on their way, locking onto the co-ordinates of Martha's call. The TARDIS landed and the Time Lords stepped outside to see Martha, dressed in black and standing in an alleyway. "Martha Jones." the Doctor greeted.

"Doctor." Martha smiled, "Artist." They walked towards each other and hugged. "Congratulations on getting engaged." she said, having found out about their engagement from the Artist calling her on Christmas Day.

"Thanks. You haven't changed a bit." the Doctor smiled.

"Neither have you." Martha replied, then turned to the Artist. "You have. Love the new look." she remarked, noting the Time Lady's green jacket, graphic t-shirt and ripped jeans.

"Yeah, thought it was time for a change." the Artist replied, "How's the family?"

"Ya know, not so bad. Recovering." Martha said. Her family were managing to move on from The Year That Never Was. Her parents were back together and the whole family were closer than ever before.

"And what about you?" the Artist asked her, but before Martha could answer, she noticed Donna coming out of the TARDIS.

"Right. Should've known." Martha chuckled, "Didn't take you two long to replace me."

"As if anyone could ever do that." the Artist reassured her. She never considered each companion to be a replacement for the previous one. She regarded Rose, Martha and Donna as their own person, who had earned their places on the TARDIS by their own merits.

"Now, don't start fighting." the Doctor cautioned the humans, "Martha, Donna. Donna, Martha. Please don't start fighting."

"You wish." Donna snorted and shook Martha's hand. "I've heard all about you." she said, "They talk about you all the time."

"I dread to think." Martha remarked.

"No, no, no, no. Nice things." Donna reassured her. She and the Artist had chatted a few times during their downtime between the adventures they'd had so far, and the Artist had told Donna about Rose, Mickey, Jack and Martha. "Good things. Nice things, really nice things."

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