The Parting of the Ways

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The Daleks were in a state of panic. One rounded on Rose. "You know the Doctor and the Time Lady. You understand them. You will predict their actions!" it demanded.

"I don't know!" Rose retorted, "And even if I did, I wouldn't tell ya!"

The Dalek advanced on her. "Predict! Predict! Predict!" it demanded hysterically, backing Rose against the wall.

"TARDIS detected in flight." another Dalek announced.

"Launch missiles! Exterminate!" the first Dalek ordered.

"You can't!" Rose pleaded desperately, "The TARDIS hasn't got any defences, ya gonna kill 'em!"

"You have predicted correctly." the first Dalek retorted.


Two missiles blasted out of the Dalek flagship and shot towards the TARDIS, which was hurtling though space.

"We've got incoming!" Jack warned, checking the monitor while the Time Lords worked the controls.

The two missiles struck their target and exploded, only for the TARDIS to fly straight through the explosion completely unscathed.

"Okay, the extrapolator's working." the Artist said, working on the device in question, "We've got fully functioning forcefields."

"Try saying that when ya drunk." Jack smirked.

"And for my next trick..." the Doctor said, slamming a lever down.


On the Dalek flagship, Rose and the Daleks suddenly heard the familiar sound of the TARDIS materialising and they looked around. A breeze blew Rose's hair as she turned to see the faint outline of the TARDIS appearing around her. It surrounded her and one of the Daleks. The Doctor and the Artist's outlines became more and more distinct, standing either side of the console.

When the box appeared fully...

"Rose, get down!" the Doctor warned.

Rose floundered. The Dalek's eyestalk swivelled around.

"Get down, Rose!" the Artist hollered.

Rose hit the deck just as the Dalek yelled; "Exterminate!" and fired at Jack, who ducked, causing the shot to hit the wall. Then he returned fire with the defabricator, causing the Dalek to explode with a scream.

Once the smoke had settled, the Artist helped Rose to her feet. "You did it!" the blonde breathed in relief, throwing her arms around the Time Lady, "Feels like I haven't seen ya all in years."

"I told you we were coming to get you." the Artist answered as they pulled away.

"Never doubted it." Rose smiled.

"I did." the Doctor said, coming over and hugging Rose too, "You alright?"

"Yeah." Rose answered, "You two?"

"Not bad, been better." the Doctor replied nonchalantly, then he and the Artist went to examine the remains of the Dalek.

"Hey, don't I get a hug?" Jack said, coming over to join them.

"Oh, come here you!" Rose replied.

"I was talking to them." Jack joked, gesturing to the Time Lords. Both humans laughed and threw their arms around each other. "Welcome home." Jack said.

"Ohh, thought I'd never see ya all again." Rose said as they pulled apart.

"Oh, you were lucky. That was just a one-shot wonder." Jack said, "Drained the gun of it's power supply. Now it's just a piece of junk." He tossed the defabricator away and he and Rose went over to join the Time Lords.

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