Army of Ghosts

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The Doctor walked down a hallway in the TARDIS, a bouquet of flowers in his hand. He stopped by the door to the Artist's bedroom and knocked. A moment later, the Time Lady opened the door. "Oh, hey there." she said cheerfully, "And what do I owe this pleasure?"

"Just thought I'd stop by and give ya these." the Doctor replied, holding up the flowers, "Beautiful flowers for a beautiful lady."

The Artist blushed at the compliment and took the flowers. "Ooh, lovely." she said and sniffed the flowers.

"Thought you'd like 'em."

"I love them." the Artist replied, "Though not as much as I love you." She gave him a small kiss. "Come on in, then." And so they both went inside the room and the Artist set about putting the flowers in a vase that the TARDIS handily provided.

"Wasn't disturbing ya was I?" the Doctor asked, noticing that she had her sketchbook out.

"No. For you, I've got all the time in the universe." the Artist replied as she finished up with the flowers, "Actually, since your here, and Rose won't be up for a couple of more hours, I don't suppose you wanna... dance?" She raised a brow suggestively.

"An offer I can't refuse." the Doctor smirked, slipping off his suit jacket and beginning to undo his tie.


A few hours later, the TARDIS materialised in a playground near the Powell Estate. Rose stepped out holding a rucksack, which she slung onto her back. Two very happy Time Lords stepped out after her, the Artist having one of the flowers the Doctor had given her tucked into her hair just above her ear. The Doctor locked the TARDIS, slipped an arm around the Artist's waist, and the trio set off towards the estate, all three looking at peace with the world.

The trio stopped off at the sandwich shop the Artist liked for a snack, then they all went up to the Tyler flat. "Mum, it's us!" Rose called, "We're back!"

"Oh, I dunno why ya bother with that phone." Jackie remarked as she came out of the kitchen, "Ya never use it!"

"Shut up, come here!" Rose laughed, and mother and daughter threw their arms around each other.

"Oh, I love you so much." Jackie whispered to her daughter, then noticed the two Time Lords trying to sidle past. "Oh no ya don't. Come here!" She grabbed the Doctor and hugged him. "Oh, ya lovely big fella!" Then she turned to the Artist. "And not forgetting ya gorgeous girlfriend here." She hugged the Time Lady too, then they all went into the living room.

"I've got loads of washing for ya." Rose said, casting off her backpack and dumping it in Jackie's arms, "And I got ya this." She held a small ornate bottle-shaped object. "It's from the market on this asteroid bazaar..."

"Akhaten." the Artist reminded her.

"Akhaten, yeah." Rose nodded, "And it's made of, urm... wos' it called?" she asked the Doctor.

"Bezoolium." he replied, flicking through magazines on the coffee table.

"Bezolliun. When it gets cold, yeah, it means it's gonna rain." Rose told Jackie, "When it's hot, it's gonna be sunny. You can use it to tell the weather."

"I've got a surprise for you an' all." Jackie said.

"Oh, I get her a bezoolium, she doesn't even say thanks." Rose muttered dryly.

"Guess who's coming to visit?" Jackie said to Rose, "Ya just in time, he'll be 'ere at ten past. Who d'ya think it is?"

"I dunno."

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