Voyage of the Damned

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The Doctor got to his feet and helped the Artist up. "You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, fine." she replied, brushing some dust off her jeans, "Better sort this out." And so she and the Doctor got to work at the console. They worked several controls and watched as the ruptured walls resealed themselves, pushing the ship out, then the Doctor materialised the TARDIS on board the ship.

"Better have a look." the Doctor said, moving to the doors.

"Careful." the Artist told him, "Remember, we've been on the Titanic before, and we don't wanna meet our past selves."

"Yeah, tell ya what, just a quick look then we'll go." the Doctor reassured her. That time his previous incarnation and the Artist had been on the Titanic wasn't exactly a pleasant experience.

The Artist accepted that and they stepped out of the TARDIS and into a store room. The Doctor brushed some dust off his suit jacket and opened the door. They found themselves in a reception area. People in mid-20th century clothing were happily milling about, while smartly turned out stewards went about their work. Then the Doctor noticed something that definitely didn't belong on the Titanic; two gold robots that looked like angels. Immediately after that, he saw a little spiky red-skinned alien walking past, talking to someone. The Doctor was confused. There'd been no robots or red aliens last time, just a bunch of Krilitanes, then looking like humans but with long necks.

"Doctor." the Artist called, and he turned to see her looking out of an observation port.

He went over to her and saw the Earth outside the window. "Right." he remarked. It all made sense now. This was a starliner modelled on the Titanic.

"Attention all passengers." a voice over the PA announced, "The Titanic is now in orbit above Sol 3, also known as Earth. Population, Human. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Christmas."

The Doctor grinned at that. "Fancy staying a while?" he asked the Artist.

"Might as well." she shrugged. Since this wasn't the proper Titanic, and the TARDIS would need an hour or so to recover from the crash, it wouldn't hurt to hang around on the starliner for a bit.

"Since it's a Crimbo party here, might as well dress the part." the Doctor said, and hand-in-hand, they both walked back to the TARDIS to get changed.


20 minutes later, the Artist was standing in front of the mirrors in the wardrobe giving her new outfit the once over. She was wearing an off the shoulder black sequin evening gown and the white trainers she'd worn to Lazarus Labs just in case they had to do any running, which they probably would knowing their luck. She kept jewellery to a minimum; just her usual necklace and a pair of earrings, and she'd applied a touch of light make-up as she was still a bit pale from spending an entire year in isolation with no exposure to sunlight.

Satisfied with her appearance, she tucked her sonic screwdriver into a patch strapped around her thigh and went to the console room where the Doctor was waiting, dressed in his black tuxedo and converse. When he saw her, he could only stare. "You look gorgeous." he breathed.

The Artist blushed, as she always did when he complimented her. "Thanks, you look rather dashing too." she replied. Despite the Doctor's claims that his tux was unlucky, she felt it suited him. Of course, she preferred him in his blue suit, but she thought that he did look rather handsome in a tux.

"So, ready for Christmas?" the Doctor asked, offering her his hand.

"Ready as I'll ever be." the Artist smiled, slipping her hand in his and they both walked out onto the Titanic, ready for a hopefully pleasant trip after the year of hell they'd suffered at the hands of the Master.

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