The Family Of Blood

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"Make your decision, Mr Smith." Jenny demanded.

"Perhaps if that human heart breaks, the Time Lord will emerge." Baines goaded.

That was when the Artist took action. She promptly slammed her boot down on Clarke's foot, causing him to let go of her and drop his gun. She grabbed it and pointed it at Jenny. "Alright, now let me tell you how this is gonna go, you're gonna let Martha go or your precious Family will be a member short." she demanded.

"Oh, the wife is full of fire." Baines smirked.

"And you can shut it." the Artist retorted, firing a shot at the ceiling.

"Careful, Son of Mine." Clarke cautioned, "This is all for you so you can live forever."

But Baines wasn't concerned. "Shoot you down!" he sneered, aiming his gun at the Artist.

"Just you try it." the Artist said darkly, "If you shoot me, I'll just come back and hunt you down. You know what this is?" She held her other hand, where the bio-damper was sitting on her finger. "This is a bio-damper, cos' guess what? I'm a Time Lady."

"Ah, so you're the other one." Baines smirked, "Well, if we can't have the Doctor, you'll do just as nicely."

"Not gonna happen." the Artist answered, keeping her gun levelled at him.

"Would you really pull the trigger?" Baines goaded.

"I fought in the Time War." the Artist retorted, "I killed Daleks, so why should I care about killing hunter scum like you? Now, I'm not gonna ask again, let Martha go!"

Baines considered for a moment, then nodded to Jenny, who released Martha.

"You alright?" the Artist asked her friend.

"Yeah." Martha nodded.

"Good, cos' I want you to get everyone out. Side door's over there." She nodded her head in that direction. "No time to argue, please just do it."

"What about you?" Martha asked her.

"I'll be right behind you, promise." the Artist replied, "Now, quickly." Martha nodded, and began to usher everyone out of the room. "That includes you, Mr Smith." she told John, who was just standing there, shell-shocked.

"But Nancy...!" he protested.

"Just go!" the Artist snapped at him, "Move!"

John swallowed hard and helped Martha and Joan get everyone out to safety. "Move yourself, boy. Back to the school, quickly!" he urged Latimer as he shooed the boy away.

Once they were outside, he turned to a villager. "Mr Hicks, go to the village, get everyone out!" he urged, "Latimer, get back to the school, tell the headmaster..."

"Don't touch me!" Latimer hissed, stepping back from him, "You're as bad as them!" And he ran off, leaving John staring in surprise.


In the hall, the Artist was left facing the aggressors. "Now then, Family of Blood." she said, "I'm gonna give you one chance. And if you're wise, you'll take it. Leave this planet and it's people in peace at once. I can find you an uninhabited planet where you can live your final days in peace."

"And what if we refuse?" Baines goaded.

"Then I'll have to stop you." the Artist replied grimly.

"She's brave, this one." Baines laughed, he and the Family advancing on her.

"Tell me, what did you do with those people you've body-snatched?" the Artist asked, certain she wouldn't like the answer.

"They are consumed. Their bodies are ours." Jenny replied callously.

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