The Idiot's Lantern

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Rose bounded into the TARDIS. The Doctor and the Artist followed, their arms draped round each other and singing loudly. "We are the champions, my friend." the Time Lords chorused, "And we'll keep on fighting till the end. We are champions, we are the champions!"

"No time for losers." Rose joined in.

"Cos' we are the champions of the world." the trio finished together and fell about laughing.

"Well, that was a concert and a half." Rose chuckled when they'd stopped laughing, "I think I'm gonna call it a night."

"Night Rose." the Artist called as she and the Doctor set to work piloting the TARDIS back into the Time Vortex. Today had been the Artist's 751st birthday, so the Doctor had let her pick where they went today, and she'd chosen Wembley Stadium 13th of July 1985 to watch Live Aid. The stand out moment for all of them had been when Queen performed.

"Yeah, see ya in the morning." the Doctor added, and Rose left the console room to turn in for the night, leaving the Time Lords alone. "So, did ya enjoy ya birthday?" the Doctor asked the Artist, though he knew the answer to that. The Artist had been like a kid in a sweet shop, especially during Queen's performance.

"You bet I did." the Artist replied, "Thank you." She leaned up and kissed him. "Thanks for letting me take us there." she said.

"Well, anything for the birthday girl." the Doctor smiled, "In fact, I've got another present for ya."

The Artist raised a brow. "Oh. Ya know you really didn't have to. The concert was more than enough."

"Yeah, but I wanted to give ya something physical." the Doctor told her, "Something to last." He reached into his pocket and produced a jewellery box. "This is for you." he said, and opened the box to reveal a silver necklace inside it. The necklace's pendant was cut into the shape of a paintbrush.

"Oh, that's beautiful." the Artist breathed, taking the necklace out and examining it, "How did you get this?"

"I made myself." the Doctor replied, "Nothing but the best for you. Here, let me." He took the necklace and the Artist turned around and lifted her hair out of the way while the Doctor fastened the necklace around her neck. When he'd finished, he kissed her neck. "I love you, so much." he whispered.

"I love you too." the Artist reciprocated, turning round and kissing him on the lips. And so the two Time Lords settled down to a loving embrace.


The trip to Live Aid sparked an interest in music-themed trips for the three time travellers. therefore the next day they decided on seeing Elvis Presley, and so that was why Rose was stepping out of the TARDIS dressed in full 1950's regalia; a hot pink tulles dress, matching high heels and a blue denim jacket.

"I thought we'd be going for the Vegas era." she commented as she walked out onto the street, looking around, "Ya know, the white flares and the..." She growled playfully "Chest hair."

The Doctor stepped out behind her, dressed in his usual brown suit but with his hair slicked back, teddy-boy style. "You are kidding, are ya?" he retorted, "Ya wanna see Elvis, ya go for the late 50's. The time before burgers." He unbolted the other TARDIS door. "When they called him 'the Pelvis' and he still had a waist." He pulled open the door and stepped back. "And what's more, ya see him in style."

An engine revved inside the TARDIS and the Artist rode out on a black Triumph motorbike with a sidecar attached. The Artist was wearing her usual leather jacket and biker boots, but had swapped her usual jeans for a pair of tight black leather trousers and her hair was tied back in a ponytail with the necklace the Doctor had given her for her birthday hanging proudly round her neck.

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