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Akbar decided to come pick me up from Nadia's personally.
I've never been more excited in my life.

"Is that the last one?" He asks when I bring out my suitcase.
I nod "It is"
He carefully arranges it in.

"You're going without giving your best friend one last hug?"
"How could I ever?" I say as I hugged her.

"Oh, he definitely likes you" she whispers in my ear.
I giggle before pulling away.

"Please take care of her" she tells him.
"Don't worry, I will".

We got in the car.
"You good? Everything set?" He asks.
I nod.

He drives off.
I look out the window.
Can this get any better?
Could Akbar be using this to make a move on me?

How could his feelings have grown in such a short amount of time?

"Everything alright?" He asks.
I turn and look at him "I'm just nervous"

"You don't trust me?"
I shake my head "It's just that, what would people say about you living with a woman?"

He shrugs "Well, you're in the BQ and you're cooking for plus it doesn't really matter".

I nod.
"If you're uncomfortable with staying with me we can—"
"—no it's fine, really".

"Honestly if you're not sure you can stay at a guest house until you get a house you're comfortable with"
I shake my head "It's fine, really".


Akbar's POV.

I huff as I make myself comfortable in my office.
Seconds later the door opens.

"You got here early"
I hear Hanifa's voice.
I raise my head and look at her "I'm surprised you're here. You don't show up until 9am"

She smiles "I've come to realize you're only ever free when you come so early and when you leave late"
I nod "True".

She walks over and sits on my table infront of me.
"In the office? Now?"
She looks around "The blinds are down and I locked the door"

I nod "You don't think it's a little suspicious that you and I lock ourselves in my office with the blinds down?"
"You never cared what people think"

"I didn't but I now have a valuable reason why I wouldn't want an affair with my boss circling around the office"
She smiles "I'm barely your boss. You do most of the work and we both know you get paid more than I do"

"Like you said, I do most of the work"
"But I'm his daughter" she pouts.
"You should take that up with him"

She nods as she wraps her arms around my shoulder, leaning in and kissing me.
She pulls back "I don't think it would be fair if I leave you hanging, maybe we can finish up after work? At your place?"

"That's not possible"
"And why is that?"

"It's just not"
She huffs.
I stand "Maybe you should go back to your office"

She groans but walks out anyway.


"Are you serious?" Abdulgafar asks.
I nod.

He stares at me.
"You're quiet"

He huffs "I really don't know what to say to you".
I nod "I know, maybe it was a mistake but I couldn't watch her get thrown out on the streets, that just wouldn't be human"

He lies down on the couch.
He and I have been friends since high school.

"So you two live together now?"
I nod "We do"
"You're not worried about what people will say? You know in our culture and religion a man and woman can't live alone together if they're not married. Don't you think it will attract attention? And you know it might ruin your relationship with—"

"—I know. I know. But she's a great girl and decent too. And I swore I'd never touch her"he shakes his head "You know that thing between your legs has a mind of its own"

I huff "I can control it, that I'm very sure of. I can't prove to her that all men are the same, her uncle already tried that"

He nods "I do feel bad for her, does anyone from your new family know about it?"
I shake my head "No, not even Abdulmateen knows yet"

"Well, they all need to know. The more people that know the better. So when anyone wants to use it against you, you mean counter it"

I tilt my head "Are you trying to say Safina might use it against me?"
He shrugs "You never know"

I shake my head "I can swear on my life that she'd never do that"
"Bro I know you trust her but she's human and women are technically the most unpredictable species on earth"

I smile "Don't let your wife hear that"
"Laila says it too, she can't judge me. But you really need to be careful. You cannot let her seduce you no matter what"
"Okay, even though I think you're reading too much into it".

He shrugs.


The house smelt like life.
I miss coming home to find it this way, I really do.

"Wow, this is the surprise" Abdulmateen says when he enters.

I roll my eyes "You think I'd do all this for you?"
He laughs "Maybe"

"Welcome back" Safina says entering the living room.
Abdulmateen looked at me shocked, then back at her.

"What exactly is going on here?"
I smile.

She looks at me awkwardly "I'll go get your food" she walks away embarrassed.

He looks at me worriedly "Brother, what game are you playing?"
"I'm not playing any games"

"So why is that girl in your home, cooking in your kitchen by 8pm? That just isn't right"

I huff as I sit.
He sits across me.
"She had problems and was thrown out of her parent's house, so I brought her here"

He scoffs.
"I'm serious but nothing is going on between us"

"Well—she's definitely not your type but she's a snack too"
"That's all you have to say?"

He huffs "Just that you need to be really careful brother, you never know what someone is thinking and their motives for the things they do"

"Then she would be the one worried about me"
He scoffs "Think about it, how many decent women will choose to live with a man they don't know? There's just so many uncertainties so don't take risks—" he walks over and sits next to me "—and always keep condoms"

"Let's be honest, our joystick doesn't really have control so at least she won't tell you she's pregnant and you end up stuck with her and a child".

I huff.
"She's not like that"
"And you've never been one to risk it. So don't do it now"

I nod.
"Fine, I won't".

He stands smiling "Now, let's go eat. I'm too excited".


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