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Akbar's POV.

So Abdulmateen has been crashing at my place. He says he wants to rest and recuperate.

But I don't think that's the case, I think he wants her to calm down, make her realize that she can't control him but I don't think he plans on leaving her, at least he doesn't want to.

I understand him.
I don't imagine leaving Hameedah.
Even though she's still acting weird, she apologized but I know something is up even though she keeps denying it.

I know her, more than she knows.

I huff.
"What's with all the huffing and puffing?" Alhaji Hamed asks me.

I shake my head "It's nothing"
"No, you can talk to me. I'm like a father seeing as how your father and I were childhood friends"

I nod.
"So? What's wrong? What can I do to help my son?"

"It's just wife problems"
He shakes his head "Then stop making it sound like it doesn't matter. Wife problems is life a problem. If you're not happy at home then you're not happy anywhere else and that's why you look like a lost puppy at work"

I chuckle.
A lost puppy?

"It's true. Who is at fault?"
"I don't know. She's suddenly behaving oddly, being so distant and I can't deny, it's frustrating".

He nods "So you think maybe she's enjoyed it over there so much that she doesn't want to return?"

I never thought of that.
Could that be the reason why?
Could she have fallen out of love with me?
I think I'd rather she say anything than that, I can't bear to live without her by my side, honestly.

"I doubt it"
"But she's coming back soon eh?"
I nod.
"And she hasn't said anything about elongating her trip?"

"She hasn't"
"Then you don't need to worry. All will be well inshallah"


Ma decided to pay us a visit.
Abdul finally came clean about what has been happening with he and his wife and our mother insisted on checking up on him.

I think she also wants to see how things are, she's been on edge since I told her about Safina.

"My boys" she says as she hugged her baby boy.
I stood by the side watching them.
"I can't believe you've been suffering with that woman"

I'm about to watch a grown man cry and complain to his mother, it's not a scene anyone would want to see.

We all sit in the living room but I watched while he related the whole story to her. The only thing is I'm not sure what Ma will think of Safina when she hears the story, speaking truthfully everything that happened wasn't her fault but I doubt my mother would see that.

She starts crying.
Starts again.
Starts again.

I don't get how she's not tired.
But I'm glad she's there for us whenever we need her, infact I think she loves it when we need her.

I eventually just go outside in the gazebo.
Working on my laptop.

A car pulls over and Safina gets out and walks over, sitting across me.
"I thought your mother was coming"
"She's inside with Abdul"

She smiles "And you're out here?"
I nod "I decided to let them talk, it seemed like it was getting emotional"

"Makes sense"
I raise my eyebrows with a smirk "What's that supposed to mean?"
"You obviously hate being emotional"

She chuckles "I noticed. You really don't so you avoid anything that makes you emotional but it's okay to show emotion every once in a while"

I smile "It's not that easy"
"We're supposed to be the safety net for our mothers, daughters, wives and sisters, not the other way round. I'm supposed to be the one making them strong not for me to break down infront of them"

"Expressing your feelings doesn't make you spineless, infact it makes you strong because dealing with your feelings is probably the hardest thing to do"

I just stare at her.
Weirdly, she made sense.
I'm that moment I really did feel free, like I could say whatever.
"Let's go, you should meet Ma"

She nods and follows me.

After introducing Safina to my mother who obviously had her reservations I came back to my study to work but what Safina had said made more impact than I let on.

I huff.
The door opens and Ma peeps.
"Can I join you?"

I nod "Please"
She walks in, closes the door and sits next to me on the couch.

"How's everything with Hameedah?"
I huff "I'm not sure"
She nods and clasps my hands "Why? Didn't you talk?"

I shake my head "Not today, we didn't talk today and it bothers me"
"Why didn't you? She calls me every day, if not in the morning then definitely in the evening"

"It surprises me, she calls my mother but ignores me. How ironic"
"Did you do something to her?"

I shrug "Ma I didn't do anything, at least not one I'm aware of"

"Are you sure it's not because of that girl staying in your house?"
"Safina? I doubt it"

"Why?" She asks tilting her head.
"She knows about Safina and there's nothing between Safina and I"

"Just because she knows about it doesn't mean she's okay with it. Look, no woman would be happy with another woman staying alone at home with her husband. Especially a woman she doesn't know. It just doesn't make sense. And you can't promise you can control yourself"

"Even if I can't, Safina doesn't like me, at least not romantically"
She huffs "I'm finding it hard to believe. That girl told me what you did for her and I can tell you likes you, she talks about you with so much admiration and warmth, I wouldn't judge her if she did fall for you. Look, we women are actually very soft creatures, yes we are complicated but our heart is our weakest asset. You helped her when she was in need, I doubt there's any woman who wouldn't fall in love with a man who has done that much for her. It could be a problem for you eventually"

I huff "I doubt she has feelings but what can I do to avoid it from generating?"
She chuckles "You're talking like you don't know how love is. Love can happen in a second and it's not something anyone can control. But if you want to help her, just rent a house for her and that's it"

I wasn't sure I wanted to do that, she's a woman and I'm not sure I'd sleep well at night knowing that she's all alone, it's not safe.

I huff.
"Unless there's another reason you're being hesitant"
"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"Do you have feelings for the girl?"
I shake my head "Ma, I don't. I really don't and somehow even when I say it no one seems to believe me, they all agree but they don't believe me but as God is my witness, I only care for Safina like I'd care for a sister".

"What if she comes to stay with me?"
I stare at her shocked.
What is going on exactly?

"Why? You?"
She smiles "I won't poison her. I see the way you care for her and I can tell your brother cares about her too, like a sister. Like the sister you lost and believe it or not I don't want to take that from you, I really don't since it makes you both happy. I can see the way Abdul is free and playful around her and I want it to continue that way so I promise you, I'm not trying to sabotage your friendship with her".

I smile.
"Thanks Ma but can I think about it? I don't want her to feel like I'm shoving her aside"

She nods "That's fine, take your time".


When Love Lasts.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora