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Safina's POV.

I was listening to music as I dusted the living room. I'm trying to while away the time as I wait for Akbar to get back.

I was so annoyed when I got home and didn't see him. He left an hour before I did and then I got home to an empty house.

I'm not trying to be possessive but this is the first sign of a man that's cheating. I know we're not official yet so I'm going to make a move first, I can't keep waiting for him.

The front door opens and I quickly get to my feet.
"You're back" I say excitedly.

He nods.
"What are you doing here?"
I smile "Waiting for you"
"For me? Why?"

I huff "Well, you should have been home hours ago. Did Hanifa stop you from coming back? Because I'm here?"

"No. She wasn't really feeling well, at first I was just going to drop her off but I couldn't just leave her so I took her to the hospital instead".

It kinda made me angry.
"And you had to be the one to do that?"

"Because I choose to"
I huff "You can't just be doing favors for everyone, what if she's trying to take advantage of you"

He takes a deep breath "Does that mean you're trying to take advantage of me?"
"Excuse me?"

He nods "Yeah because technically I've known her longer than I've known you. So are you the one trying to take advantage of me?"

I shake my head "Why would you say that?"
"I'm trying to understand you. And why didn't you tell me she came by?"

I stay quiet.
"Now you're quiet?"
"You are busy, I didn't want to bother you"

He shakes his head "No, she came to see me. I should be the one to decide whether I want to see her or not. Don't involve yourself with anything concerning Hanifa"

It made me think, it really did "Is there something going on between you two?"
He scoffs "Don't ask because I won't answer. Safina please stop prying, you're making things difficult and I hate difficult"

That scared the hell out of me.
What if he decides to kick me out?

"Okay, I'm sorry. I was just worried what people might think of you"
He nods "I get it but I really don't want to feel choked so please don't force my hands. You should leave that so I can lock the linking door".

He's trying to create a barrier and that scared me more than anything, it frightened me to my very core.



I couldn't stop crying.
"Come on Safina, that's enough tears". Nadia says trying to cheer me up.

After a while I finally stopped crying and leaned on the headboard of her bed.
"So? Are you going to tell me what transpired between you and your darling Akbar?"

I huff.
"We had a fight—well not really fight but more like a falling out last week Tuesday and since then he's been a bit cold and distant and it breaks my heart. Nadia, I love this man more than you could imagine".

He huffs "So what made you argue?"
"I kinda flipped because he and his ex are still in contact. She just got divorced and I'm scared she's trying to win him back, it's making me so anxious and worried. What if she steals him away?"

"Oh God! Safina I warned you not to get attached. You know how obsessive you get when you're inlove with someone. I was afraid this would happen"

I nod "I know and I regret it but I love him"
"He hasn't confessed his feelings or asked you to be his girlfriend? None of that?"

I shake my head "Even if he wanted to, I ruined it"
"But if he loves you why would he let what his ex said get between you two? Maybe he doesn't like you that way"

"But you said he did"
"I know but maybe I was wrong"

I shake my head "No, I know he loves me. If not why would he go out of his way to help me? It doesn't add up".

She nods "That's true though. What could his motive be?"
I glare at her "What else if not love? I feel maybe he just doesn't want that tension"

She nods "That's a possibility. Maybe he feels you're being too possessive before the relationship even starts?"

"So what do I do?"
"Sincerely apologize, tell him you just don't want to see him get hurt or maybe that woman is just looking for fun"

"What if I confess my feelings?"
"Nooo! First you need to show how sincerely apologetic you are, things have to go back to normal before you can do that. Let him feel unchoked first"

I chuckle "Unchoke isn't a word"
"Yeah well it's is now, shebi you know what I mean?"
I nod "I do".


Saratu asked me to deliver some cupcakes to her. She said she'd pay but I disagreed because I can't collect money from my soon to be sister in law.

I knock on the door and the next thing I knew I was being pulled in and the book snatched from my hands.

She and a girl who looked similar stood side by side.

She looked at me angrily.
"What's going on here?" I ask both scared and curious.

"What's going on between you and Abdulmateen?"
"Huh?" At this point I was so confused, so very confused.

The other girl hisses "Tell us before this spins out of control, we're not going to hurt you"

"What am I supposed to say? And why would I be dating Abdulmateen?"
"He's been spending quite a long amount of time at his brother's place, he didn't do that before"

I nod smiling "So that's why I'm a suspect?"
"You better say something" the other girl says getting frustrated.

"Well, I think he's just frustrated being married to you, that might be why he did that. The thing is I barely spend time inside the house now, I've been in my little BQ alone so I didn't know he was coming by but I definitely understand why he'd want to leave his mentally deranged wife"

"Excuse me? Safina you're talking to me that way?"
"You know what surprises me about people. You think just because I smile and try to be nice that you can push me around. You're joking—I'm not stupid and wherever Abdulmateen is going I congratulate him on it"

"Are you—" Saratu gets cut off when Abdul and Akbar walk in.

They look at the spilt cup cakes on the floor then back at us.
"What's going on?" Abdulmateen asks looking worried.

"Actually—" I move away from the corner they push me in "All I did was decide to do your wife a favor and deliver her cupcakes but instead I'm being harassed and threatened for being your supposed lover"

He groans, annoyed.
"I'm sorry, Safina. My wife can be deluding sometimes. Don't mind her"

"Don't mind me?" She asks irritatedly.

Akbar grabs my arm gently "Maybe you should go home, I'll be there soon"
"I didn't bring my car, I took an Uber"

"Okay, let's just go" he turns to his brother "I trust you can handle this?"
He nods "Yeah, thank you"

We walk out.


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