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Safina's POV.

Akbar's mother was so kind and I think she likes me for her son. The way she looked at me said it all.

I'm so lucky.
I wait infront of the elevator.
Today my six months is up and the boss wants to see me. Today my fate will be decided, if I'll be lucky enough to continue work here or if I'll get the boot.

The elevator opens and I see Akbar standing with Ada. I enter and Ada walks out, she raises her eyebrows when Akbar doesn't.

"I need to get something in my office"
She nods "Okay sir, I'll wait by the car" she says right before it closes.

"Going out?"
He nods "Yup. We're going to a law firm"
"I hope you didn't get sued"

He chuckles "Nope. So are you nervous?"
I nod.
I got the letter in my email last night and I ran to him about it, he encouraged me but I'm losing hope, all of it.

"Don't worry, everything is going to be fine. At least if you think about it your catering business is really picking up"
I huff "That means we would spend less time together"

He smiles "I'll make time for you, always. No matter what"
"I promise"

It opens and I walk out.
"Aren't you going to get something?" I ask when he doesn't step out.

He smiles "It was an excuse, you seemed dispirited and he needs to see you as the optimistic, comical and enchanting person you are so I had to do something, as your loyal hype man"
I giggle.

"Thank you"
"Be yourself" he says before it closes.

I take a deep breath and made my way there.

I enter the reception where his secretary's table was, inches away from his office door.
"He asked for me, Safina"

She nods "You came at the right time, he just asked for you"
I smile "Thanks"

I knock.
"Come in"

I take another deep breath, put up a smile and entered.
The man was seated by his table, looking hella intimidating.

"You asked for me sir"
"Are we going to talk with you by the door?"

"My apologies" I say before closing it and confidently walking towards him.

I sit across him.
"So? How has the last 6 months been for you?"
I smile "It's been really pleasant, sir"

"Are you aware that your contract expired last week?"
"Yes, Sir. I am"

"Good, I want to keep this brief. We asked for someone within the six months because the earlier caterers had signed a six month contract with another company. Myself and the staff loved their meals and their attitude to work so we decided to hire someone else in the mean time. As your span came to an end I asked someone to do a thorough survey about what the employees prefer, the old or the new. Because I want my company to have the best of everything and I am pleased to say, we'd like to renew the contract"

I was so excited.
I want to jump and celebrate.

"Thank you so much"
"Just keep doing your job right. Akbar told me he now leaves his office thanks to you, he barely cared for cafeteria food"

I nod "Thank you sir"
"Good. My secretary will give you the contract, this time it will be a 2year duration"

"Thank you sir, I won't let you down"
"I know" he smiles.


Akbar decided against me getting into an Uber. He said it made him uncomfortable because no one can be trusted in this era. He worries a lot for my safety, sometimes I think it's a bit too much but I'm not complaining, I haven't had someone worry over me like that in such a long time and it feels really nice.

So now we go home together.
Unfortunately because of his meeting with the lawyers he couldn't so Abdulmateen picked me up on his way home. He went back to staying with Ma.

"Congratulations, I'm so happy for you and me"
I raise my eyebrows "Why are you being included in it?"

"Technically—if you succeed that means I succeed, don't you think so?"
I nod "I couldn't agree more"

"I'm proud of you. If you need anything call your brother, I'll be there in a heartbeat"

It feels so good honestly, it feels great to have people around me, looking out for me for once in my life. Since the day my mother gave birth to the twins I've been the one doing the looking out, I'm not complaining but I've never known how it felt for others to look out for me but it feels great, like I actually matter.
Through Akbar I've known love, kindness, trust and most importantly happiness and for that I'll always be indebted to him.

"You good?" He asks looking worried.
I hadn't noticed that a few tears escaped my eyes.

"Don't tell me you're getting emotional because of what I said?"
I wipe away the tears sniffling "You blame me?"

He bursts out laughing "Come on, should I buy you ice cream? Will it make you feel better?" He asks teasing me. I should have known this was going to happen.

"Seriously? You had to ruin the moment?"
"I can't help it, you know it"

"Oh yes I do but I want that ice cream"
"Anything for the cry baby"

He'll keep teasing me for years.


Akbar and I are seated on the rug watching F1 racing. It's the only thing that he loves. He'll stop work for it, that's how serious it is and because I watch it with him now I'm obsessed with it too.

"No! No! No!" He shouts as Max Versteppen crosses the finish line first. Then Lewis Hamilton second and Charles LeClerc third.

I huff.
He likes Sergio Perez and I love the second two so the fact that they made it on the podium was enough for me, I couldn't stop smiling but I didn't want to celebrate because his favorite player unfortunately didn't make it.

"You know, it's fine if you celebrate, you can't even stop smiling"
I nod "Too bad, but I told you. Perez's car was faulty".

"We'll win the next race" he says sadly.
"But what does it matter? Max Versteppen came first and they're both in Redbull"
"Yes but it's not his win"

He huffs.
"Anyway, thank you for praising me—I know your opinion matters to him a great deal. You're probably the survey he was talking about"

He laughs "Actually he really did a survey"
"Yes but if they all said no and you said yes, he'd listen to you and not them, so you're the survey"

He chuckles "Yeah, kind of"

Since I got back I've been thinking hard.
This man makes me happy, he's made my life better and I love him.
If he's hesitant about making the first move because he's unsure, then I should.

I don't want any woman stealing him away because it would be a huge loss, it really would.

So I'm going to confess my feelings today.
Here I go.

"I love you"

Cont'd next chapter.

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