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I shake my head.
I shake my head again.

She just stares at me.
"Come up with a better solution"

Hanifa huffs "Akbar I hope you know you're not my boss"
"Yes but you can't except me to listen to it"

She nods "Why?"
"I thought we both disagreed upon it?"
"I've had a change of heart"

"That doesn't matter"
I know there's a reason behind Hanifa's change of heart and I think it involves her ex husband.

"We can't sign JP Morgan, it's a terrible business plan. It's suicide, we'll end up losing a lot more than we'll gain and sometimes it's best to avoid any losses even when there's a chance at victory"

She shakes her head.
"I know it's about Muktar so out with it"

She huffs "I'm scared Akbar, it seems like he might really take away my kids from me"
"How? Did you tell your dad?"

She shakes her head.
Sometimes Hanifa acts like a child.
"Why? If you want your kids you need to get him involved, I know he won't play fair but at least you'd have them"

"Really? You think so? Should I?"
"Of course, I see no reason why you wouldn't".

She nods.
"Then, what else?"
"He was boasting that JP Morgan made them an offer, he was gloating about how their company is better than ours"

I couldn't help but laugh.
"Akbar don't laugh at me"

"Sorry, I couldn't help it but don't worry about it. Haven't you noticed how three months later JP hasn't signed with any investment company? Let Mukhtar sign it with them, they'll drown in less than five years and in business that's a very short amount of time"

She hugs me "Thanks"
She sits back on my table.
"Why didn't I marry you instead?"

I smile "Because—"
"You didn't want to marry me, I was hurt"

I turn my head away.
"But I don't hold it against you, at least not completely but I'm sure my life would have been better, I'd have been happier and our kids would look like you"

I smile.
"So? When Hameedah gets back you're going to start planning the future? Having kids? You said you wanted her to finish up before you start that and she's rounding up"

I nod "Yeah, I think so"
"Think? You don't like kids? If you say no I'll officially stop liking you" she jokes.

"No, I do. I've always wanted my kids but I'm not sure she wants to and I don't want to have children with anyone else"
I chuckle "Not really but I'd prefer if she was the mother"

She shakes her head "I've met Hameedah and that woman is crazy about you, she'll want to have your babies. I mean, if she let you bring that stranger into the house, she'll do anything for you"

"Please don't start"
"I've already said it, I don't need to repeat it. Now if you'll excuse me I need to go home, take a hot bath and sleep".

"You do that"
She gives me a peck before walking out.


I've been in a mood all day.
I decided against going to the office to conclude my work.
It's the weekend anyway.

Hameedah and I had an argument.
I called her twice three days back and she didn't bother to call me back. I called her yesterday morning but she was apparently busy, she didn't call until I called in the evening and she still didn't pick up. I woke up with no missed calls from her, so I called and I went berserk.

I'm her husband, the least she can do is tell me if there's something wrong, she can't just keep ignoring me.

I throw my phone on the bed and go downstairs.
I find Safina in the kitchen making her sensational pineapple ginger juice, all natural.

I huff when I sit on the kitchen counter.
"Someone's looking great this morning" I say.
"Yeah, did I tell you I've been putting on these Korean face masks? They do wonders to the face"

"Really? That's nice, you look like you've never experienced the harsh sun"
"I know right" she smiles brightly "How about I serve us the juice, a some ice and then we can go put on the face masks, you need it. Your face looks tired"

I chuckle "Please no, the last thing I want is to look gay"
"Because you're wearing a face mask? What's wrong with it? I make Nura put it all on the time"

"The Chinese face mask?"
"No, that one was made by a friend who makes skin products. This one is Korean not Chinese"
"Isn't it the same thing"

She tilts her head "I never pegged you for a racist"
I laugh "I'm not racist"
"If you say so" she clasps my hand "Please, I noticed your mood has been off all day. Maybe you'd feel better if you do it"

"I doubt it"
"Please, please do it with me" she pleads. At this point I knew I couldn't say no.

"Fine, just this once"
"I'll take it" she says excitedly.

"But the dress really looks good on you"
She blushed.
It would look great on Hameedah.


Safina's POV.

It seems like Akbar can't get his eyes off me in this dress. It's actually a very simple dress, it's long but not too long and it was a body hug. Plus it's his favorite color, navy blue.

We were both lying down on the couch watching and sipping our drink with our face masks on.

He looked so funny I had to sneak a few pictures.
"It's been hours already, I want to take it off"

I roll my eyes "Akbar it's only been 10mins"
"How long should I leave it on my face?"

"Just about 30mins so just calm down"
He huffs "But I'll admit I feel a bit better already"

I smile "I told you there's nothing Safina can't fix"
He chuckles "Please enough self praising for one day, it makes you sound vain".

I wink "Sometimes you need to remind yourself just so you don't forget"
He frowns "Why would you forget?"

"Being lonely, not getting attention"
He shakes his head "No, you're beautiful and smart not to mention you're a magnificent chef. So I will take it upon myself to you give you a daily dose of compliments, will that be enough or you need it by the hour?"

I laugh.
I'm so lucky.
I feel lucky.

"Daily is fine"
"You sure?"

I nod.
"So? Is there anything you want to tell me!"
At first I was going to say no but I decided against it "Actually do you know any architectural firms in Abuja?"

"Yeah, I have a friend from college, his father owns a firm. For Nura?"
He asks.
I nod "Yeah, he's coming back in three weeks and I didn't tell him about the fact that I'm staying here so what will I do if he gets back? The only option is if he gets recommended to a firm he can start his internship or maybe I should just leave"

"Ah—that's okay. I'll talk to him, okay? And you're not going anywhere"
I raise my eyebrows.
Excited I got the response I wanted from him.

"I didn't mean it that way, I just don't want you to feel you have to go. But if you want to, I won't stop you"

I need to come up with something. I don't want it to seem like I'm not trying to find a place because I have him.
"Well—the agent is still looking for a conducive place for me. Once I get my salary next month, I'll be out of your hair"

"I'm not complaining"
"I am" I lie "I feel like a burden"

He sits up "You're not, you're far from that and I enjoy your company. Thanks to you coming home from work everyday doesn't seem like a death sentence"

"You're welcome. Anything else?"

I shake my head.
"Good, now can I take this thing off? My face is itching"

I laugh.

He peels it off "Finally I can breath"
I laugh harder "You're so dramatic".


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