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The first thing my face lands on is Akbar's face inches away from mine.
He looked so peaceful.
I can't believe we slept together.

Before you jump to conclusions, I'm not saying we had sex.
We slept off on the living room rug.

Not to mention the fact that it was raining heavily outside, he always loves the whether right after it rains. It's chilly and the sky if dark and cloudy.

I just kept staring at him.
I've had guys I loved but none that were this perfect because he's perfect. I don't know what I'd do if he ever decides he wants me out of his life, maybe that's why I still haven't confessed because I'm scared it will ruin our relationship.

I tap him gently.
"Akbar? Wake up"

He slowly opens his eyes.
We stared at each other for while before he raises his head and looks out the window.

"Last night was fun"
I nod "It really was, it seemed like you needed it"

"You saved my life. Anyway, I should go brush my teeth and take my bath" he says heading upstairs.

Somewhere I've been to a few times. There are two bedrooms about from his, one seems like a spare and the other is locked, which I kinda find odd but I didn't ask.

I wonder if he'd let me stay in the guest room downstairs.
I huff before getting up and clearing the living room.


I love the weekend because it's the time Akbar and I try out new things and hang out.
Today, we're reading in the gazebo.

I'm not a fan of reading but if he's doing it, I'm I'm doing it also, no questions asked.

His phone starts ringing and he smiles before he picks up.

"Are you calling to apologize?"

"I saw what happened remember?"

"Yeah. Technically, yes"

"I would love to help you but that's between you"

"Invite you over? She's not back yet"

"Yeah. I will when she gets back"

"Yes. She'll forgive you, what happened wasn't that serious anyway"

"I agree, women will always be women"

"Please don't make her worry again"

"She's great, I'll send my regards when we talk."

"Yeah we talked in the morning"

"Take care of yourself. Bye"
He ends the call.

"Who was it?"
"My sister in-law"

Oh Saratu.
Was he talking about what she did the other day?
But why did he tell her I wasn't around and we haven't spoken?

I shrug it off.
He must have his reasons for it anyway.


Abdulmateen groans.
Obviously annoyed.
"Can it be possible to get divorced just months after getting married?" He asks his brother.

They were outside by the back door talking while I was in the kitchen so listening in on the conversation wasn't much of a choice.

"Still on the cheating issue?"
"Seriously. You have to see the way Saratu looks because of a mere accusation. I don't know what to do. I explained it to her mother but she keeps saying that I put the doubt in her head in the first place"

Akbar huffs.
"I'm sick and tired of it all. I hate going back home, I had to lie about a business trip just to stay home with Ma and rest for a few days"

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