Chapter 6: Rubato

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I was patient, I had grown to be patient and wait on the sidelines as I watched Melokuhle talk to more people in a few minutes than I had ever talked to in my whole life. He was able to be calm like Troy but he was a social butterfly like Nika. Not only were traits shared through personality but in appearance he looked like an adorable combination of both of them.

I didn't wish for the things that he had. I never even considered that things like school, outings with friends and playing sports might ever fill my life with joy. All the joy that I could have possibly wished for had come with his extension to the family and a new life in the beautifully diverse city. Not to mention I had never seen Troy so happy before, I knew that she had finally fulfilled everything she desired with a son of her own. This change that had once made me terrified of the future, but I truly had no idea that our happiness as a family would only grow. That was all I needed.

Today is Melokuhle's birthday, he's turning seven. Time has passed by in what felt like a few days, no moment ever went by slowly for me. Large amounts of time would only feel like small fractions of how much time I had in my life. Regardless of whether I liked it or not, nothing made the difference, things don't stay the same forever and I had grown to accept that.

"Ambrose, can you help us set up now?" Nika and Troy had stopped calling me all the other nicknames they had come up with while I was little, now they came up with new ones for the sake of Melokuhle. Troy had let an old name slip from time to time but Nika was very consistent with it.

"Sure, what can I help with?" I never had a birthday party like this, most of mine were spent with just my family, Melokuhle's birthdays were by far more extravagant. I didn't see what was so special about inviting everyone to an arcade, but as long as it made Melohkuhle happy, how could I complain?

"Make sure every spot get's a plate, a napkin and a cup, since apparently someone can't set it up right on their own." Troy called out behind her to the staff area knowing that everyone there knew exactly what they were implying. She looked about ready to hand me the box of supplies she was carrying and just as I reached for them she pulled it away "Also, I wanted to let you know that if it gets to be too much or anything we have the extra car, okay?" She was insinuating that if need be she wouldn't force anyone to stick around longer than they wanted to.

"Alright." She handed me the box so I could finally get to work. While I was working, from across the room I spotted Melokuhle who was playing with one of his friends who always comes early. I waved to him, he happily waved back. Despite being far past the age where everyone would call him 'adorable' when he smiled back at me I couldn't see him as anything else.

By the time I was finished setting up all twelve of the cups, plates and napkins as I was directed to, six more of his friends appeared almost out of nowhere. I sat down in the seat that was close to Troy and distant from everyone else and watched as the kids rushed past me. I was too old, I wouldn't be excused from running around like that anymore, not to say I ever had.

When I spotted Melokuhle again I smiled at him gently and waved to him, instead of smiling back he just shot a glare then murmured something to his friends before ignoring me. What a vastly different response than last time at first it puzzled me so I tugged gently on Troy for answers. "Is something bothering you, Ambrose?"She subtly whispered over to me, attempting to draw as little attention as possible, which was easy in a place of so many different flashing lights and blaring sounds.

"Why is Melokuhle acting so different now?" I whispered back to her as subtly as possible. I was greatly confused and even a little bit bothered by him acting so out of character, not even a wave rather a face that made me feel as though I shouldn't have been here and I'm not welcomed.

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