Chapter 8: Legato

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The next morning everything  seemed to appear as usual but the conversation from last evening was still thick on my mind and the words said float around almost flammable. I always slept in on these mornings while Melokuhle needed to get up bright and early to go to school. However, this Tuesday morning I am woken up at the same time as Melokuhle. Undoubtedly this has a connection to the events of last night, I am the only family member who is not an early bird.

             "Good morning Ambrose." Troy's tender voice resounds as though nothing had happened last night, I wasn't frustrated, that wouldn't be the right word, maybe I find myself even slightly paranoid.  As I climb down from my loft Troy awaits some kind of response,but I know whatever I say will come out bitter, so I'm reasonably reluctant.

               It's now occurring to me the ways it might appear that I am lonely or unsatisfied with my life. We spent a few moments exchanging glances before I said, "Good morning, Troy." I force the corners of my mouth into a smile. I can tell the sunrise has just begun. It's a bright morning to hold a sunrise that's just begun. I could barely feel the same way.

               "Nika made some breakfast, make sure you eat a lot, we've got a long day ahead of us." I know exactly where the kitchen is but Troy hovers over me as though she is guiding me in there. It is possible she believes I'll try to make an exit through the window the moment she leaves me. I won't lie and say I didn't contemplate it, but I actually wouldn't.

           "Ah, the sleepyhead finally decided to join us."Nika and Melokuhle are sitting in their favorite chairs at the table. Melokuhle at least has a favorite seat, he likes it so much because he was closest to the kitchen and could easily run and get more food without anyone realizing he had gotten up in the first place. 

    “Why am I-? I mean why did you get-?” A sleepy haze was still over my brain and I could barely formulate proper words, I’m not used to being up this early, at the crack of dawn. It frustrates me that everyone else was fine, like they are a different family, distant from me.


“Because you’re going to school.”Nika briefly answers like he was just brushing some natural occurring dust off his shoulder. I didn’t even get a chance to finish my question and I now stand here at a loss for words. Would they really plunge me into the world like that with only one year of school remaining and summer just coming to its end.

I look back to Troy immediately, there’s no way that she could have also consented to this. Even if I take a step back to run she’d stop me, I would never be able to push her off to the side. They were pushing what I said, what they heard me say about Melokuhle yesterday. Did they really believe that I crave social interaction just because of what I said to the electric journal?

“Yes, we thought that it was finally time, you start to go out into the world and meet some friends, you need to have some bros to spend your youth with.” Troy gently punched my shoulder, it doesn't ever feel like anything. I'm sure she could, she just doesn't want to waste her energy on it.

"But what if I don't want to?" There is a lot of truth behind that hypothetical 'if' statement. I don't understand why I feel this way, it's directly contradictory with how my emotions should fluctuate. At the very least, I know some satisfaction and relief rests within me.

"Listen, today we're going to an orientation and you'll basically get a tour of the school. You can let us know whether or not it's something you want to follow through with then. No questions asked." Troy walks past me to make herself a plate of food prepared by Nika, I follow close behind her. I don't feel hungry right now but as everyone has been suggesting I also prepare myself some food to eat and sit down at the breakfast table.

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