Recap of Part 1.5

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Part One is officially finished which means that it's time for recap. This is the second part of part one, Part 1.5 and here is the recap for it. Just in case you missed anything important or just haven't read it in a long time. I hope that this is helpful to you in some way. So here we go.

Do not read if you're not caught up to Chapter 20?:

It is time for Ambrose's first day of school and he is instantly overwhelmed. However, Mordecai Revere, the tour guide and Ambrose's helper shows him to his classroom.

When Ambrose enters the room Phenix is there but Phenix is insistent on the fact that they never knew  each other and even goes as far as to call him a stalker. Ambrose gets seated next to a girl who doesn't want to talk to him but hands him a note.

During Gym Ambrose accidentally wanders onto the field causing Phenix to trip. Phenix is mad but the gym teacher breaks it up before it can go anywhere.  Furthermore during lunch Ambrose has nowhere to sit so he is forced to sit next to the gym teacher.

Ambrose finds out the note is telling to go to the school library after school. Nika advises him to go. Everyone  is surprised that Ambrose actually comes back to school. He goes to the library after school and he ends up with a new friend named Lennox. Lennox is also new like Ambrose and has had a lot of trouble finding anyone she can trust. She also explains to Ambrose that Phenix is the son of the principal.

Ambrose gets to have his first really weekend which he spends playing baseball with his family. Suddenly Lennox appears, she meets his adoptive family and invites him to go to a tea cafe with her Aunt.  Ambrose decides to go (once given permission).

Ambrose meets Lennox's Aunt is obsessed with the Victorian era. When Lennox leaves to go to the bathroom Lennox's Aunt explains how she recently adopted Lennox which is why she is new at school too. Ambrose gives her some advice but realizes the advice applies to his own experience of feeling like an outsider. Ambrose promises Lennox's Aunt he'd look after Lennox when she can't

Ambrose begins to have strange dreams even though everyone though he wasn't even capable of having dreams.

By his second week of school Ambrose begins to feel welcome in his new environment. While they are eating lunch in the school library Lennox asks Ambrose if he is in any way related to a Lyle family which founded a scandalous business that mysteriously disappeared a few years prior. Ambrose doesn't know so Lennox tells him to go to the library. She also asks if he has a phone.

When Ambrose gets home he asks Troy if he can have a phone and go to the library. Troy reluctantly says he can as long as he's back home in time for stew night. He agrees and goes to the Library where he meets his gym teacher's wife (Mrs. Argento) who works as a librarian.

Ambrose does some research on himself and finds an article which claims he's dead but he doubts that it's real. Upon further examination he finds something that causes him to have a panic attack and ultimately passes out.

After having a nightmare about Phenix, Mrs. Argento finds Ambrose passed out. She wakes him up and tells it's passed midnight.  Ambrose is extremely upset over whatever  mysterious piece of information he found out. He runs home barely able to control his emotions. When he makes it home he tells Nika he doesn't want to talk and goes straight to bed.

And now you are caught up on every important plot point that has happened in the story thus far. Get ready for part two returning in April because things get interesting.

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