Chapter 42

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Since the night of the gala, I've been spending the nights with Belle and was practically living at her house full time. Picking her up after work. Going home to greet Theo together. Cooking with each other side by side. Sharing the same bed. Waking up to her beautiful face every day.

It was a life that I never wanted to give up after getting a taste of it. Never would I ever want to go back to living in my cold and empty apartment, void of any signs of life. A place that lacked the comforting scent of warm fruity spices and the joyous laughter of my two angels.

I gently brushed Belle's hair out of her face as she nuzzled up closer to me in her sleep. How could I ever give up a sight like this?

Her hair was fanned out on the pillow behind her as she curled up against my chest like a little kitten. She buried her nose into the crook of my neck before letting out a soft hum in contentment and falling back into a deep sleep.

The top of her head rested just below my nose, filling my senses with her soothing scent of warm fruity spices. Maybe it was because she was constantly baking in her house or the fact that she loved fruity desserts, but every inch of her seemed to ooze that scent that I never knew that I could love so much. A scent that could make my entire body relax in seconds and send me off into a deep sleep that I haven't had for years before meeting Belle.

It was only the crack of dawn, and I didn't want to leave the warmth of our cocoon yet, but I needed to drop by my apartment to get some clean clothes for the day.

I sighed as I glanced down at Belle's peaceful expression. Just the mere sight of her could make my willpower slip with ease.

But I couldn't stall any longer.

Otherwise, I would have to spend another day in clothes I had already worn for two days straight.

I carefully slipped my arm out from underneath her and tried to slip out of bed as quietly as possible.

However, to no luck, Belle almost immediately started to stir the moment I eased myself out of bed. Catching me by the edge of my sweatpants before I could leave, she mumbled sleepily, "Stay... with me..."

I internally awed at the immeasurable amount of cuteness oozing out of her at the moment. I could literally feel all my willpower slipping out of me, urging me to go back to bed with my girl, but I managed to snap out of it at the last minute, remembering how we were supposed to meet my parents later today.

Gently taking her fingers into my own, I kneeled down next to her and whispered softly, trying not to stir her any more than I already did, "It's okay, love. I just need to go back to my apartment to get some clean clothes, and then I'll come straight back to bed with you, okay?"

Her lips formed into a pout as she sleepily thought over my words. Shaking her head, her grip on my hands tightened as she replied, "I'll buy you clothes instead... Just stay..."

"I guess I'm not the only one who feels a bit needy..." I chuckled softly as I gently ran my fingertips along the side of her face.

To be honest, I also hated going back to my apartment, even if it was only once a week. It never took me any longer than half an hour to pack up what I would need for the rest of the week, but that little sliver of time was more than enough to remind me of how desolate my life was before Belle. How drained of life I would still be if I had never met Belle.

All I wanted was to live with Belle full-time. I wanted to move in with her, but did she even feel the same? She's progressed so much, allowing me into the privacy of her bedroom and sharing her bed with me, even if it was only to sleep next to each other, but officially moving in together was a completely different thing, right?

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