Chapter 79

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By the time I got onto the road, Sebastian had called me, telling me that the paramedics had already gotten to Belle and rushed her to the nearest hospital in midtown. I immediately swerved mid-road at the news, making a giant u-turn toward the address that he had sent me.

My mind was all over the place by the time I arrived at the hospital. All I could focus on was my need to see Belle with my own two eyes.

I haphazardly parked the car in the drop-off zone. I had rushed into the emergency room in such a flurry that I frightened several nurses as I made a beeline to the front counter.

I frantically spurted out to the receptionist, "My wife! She was admitted here a few minutes ago! Where is she?!"

Her eyes grew wide at the sight of my panicked figure. I must've looked like a crazed beast, but she managed to regain her bearings relatively quickly and replied in a soothing tone, "Sir, everything is going to be alright. I need you to calm down first so we can locate your wife together."

I nodded mindlessly, not quite registering her words as my eyes fluttered frantically around the room in search of my wife.

She tried calling out to me a couple more times, but I couldn't focus on her words due to how overwhelming everything felt.

All the rushing carts, the coughs, the sneezes, the painful groans, the strong scent of antiseptics...

Why wasn't she here?

Where was she?

She wouldn't have passed away on the way here, right?

Panic flooded my system as my thoughts spiraled into all the worse case scenarios.

Luckily, a familiar pair busted through the front door before I could break down. A small wave of relief washed over me when I spotted Theo situated safely in Sebastian's arms.

I immediately snatched my son from Sebastian's arms and held his little body close to my chest.

I didn't care about how he was covering my pure white shirt in blood. All I cared was that he was safe.

I still had no clue about what had happened. All I could do was just be glad that at least one of my angels was still alright and unharmed.

Sobs broke through the moment he landed in my arms. He clung desperately to my shirt and choked out, "Dad... Mom... S-She wouldn't stop bleeding... S-she's going to o-okay, r-right? We c-can't lose her."

I hushed him softly as I pulled his head into the safety of the crook of my neck, blindly reassuring him, "It's going to be okay, honey... Mom is very strong... She's going to be okay... She has to be okay."

It was almost as if I was trying to reassure myself,  rather than Theo. I felt so weak at the moment, weaker than I had ever felt even my life, at the thought of possibly losing one of the most important people in my life.

But I knew I had to stay strong for Theo.

I couldn't leave him alone to fend for himself after all that had happened.

Drawing me out of my thoughts, I felt a soft tap on my shoulder, making me immediately turn around in response.

I must've looked like a mess because Sebastian's eyes immediately softened when he caught sight of my expression.

But I didn't care.

All I wanted to know was Belle's status.

Understanding my unspoken question, he quietly replied, "She's in room 401. Still unconscious but at least no longer bleeding and stable."

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