Chapter 53

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To say that the entire experience was nerve-wracking was to say the least.

Demetri had stared at the packet of adoption papers in Theo's hands in silence for a good few minutes without a single word, movement, or even any sign of breath. It was almost as if he had been turned to stone.

And it definitely didn't help that his lack of response only made Theo more nervous.

Theo hesistantly glanced up at Demetri, still stretching his arms out with the papers in hand. When Demetri still made no move in response, Theo's face dropped as he started to slowly retract to packet.

But it seemed like that was all that as needed to snap Demetri out of his trance. Demetri caught onto Theo's little hands before he could fully retract his present and sputtered out, "D-Do you really want me to be your dad?"

Theo nodded timidly as he shyly peered up at the taller man through his lashes. "Do you not want to?"

"No, no, no, I do want to be your dad, but I thought that I wouldn't be allowed to take that role until I married your mom."

Now it was my turn to become bashful, completely caught off guard by their hidden, behind-the-scene agreement.

But the two took no mind and continued their conversation with no notice.

Theo scooted closer to Demetri and pushed the papers further into his hands. "I know that you love my mom very much and that you will take good care of her. I know that you will be a good husband for my mom and I believe that you will be a good dad for me as well. Don't you think so too?"

"Of course, I do, Theo. I had planned to make you a part of my family as much as I do with your mom from the very start." Demetri gratefully accepted the packet with a small smile as he leafed through the papers. "This is the best present I could ever receive. Thank you, Theo."

A bright grin spread across Theo's lip as he eagerly crawled into Demetri's lap.

With a pen in hand, the two immediately got started on filling out the adoption papers together. Reading through each line and signing here and there, page after page.

They truly did look like a father and son pair already. The same shaggy midnight black hair with sharp facial features that couldn't be replicated anywhere else. Both holding such strong auras that could dwarf any other person.

I leaned against Demetri's shoulder as I watched them fill out the last few pages, only signing my own name when directed by one of the two.

By the time they finished filling out all the paperwork, an hour had already passed.

Theo had a bright smile on his lips as he stared at Demetri's intricate signature on the last page. His eyes shone so brightly that they could probably outdo any star in the sky.

He looked up at Demetri with sparkling eyes and innocently asked, "Can I call you dad from now on?"

Demetri's eyes softened at the sight. "Of course, son."

Unable to contain his excitement anymore, Theo threw his little arms around Demetri's thick torso and exclaimed, "I love you, dad!"

Demetri fell back against the headboard in surprise but quickly wrapped his arms around Theo in reply. "I love you too."

Splayed across Demetri's body, Theo lifted his head off of Demetri's chest and reached out of me. "I also love you too, mom."

I flushed at his adorable display of affection as I took his little hands into my own, not wanting to interrupt on their little moment too much.

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