Chapter 63

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"So... I heard that my son recently turned into an overprotective hulk."

I looked up from the tailor who was helping me alter my wedding dress. Keeping as still as I could, I hesitantly asked Mrs. Nikoloas, "Are you talking about what happened last week?"

She nodded as she thumbed the edge of her magazine. "Sebastian told me about it. He's practically my third son and often whines to me about Demetrius like a younger sibling who can't win with his brother."

I bit my lip nervously.

I had tried to apologize to Mr. Harlow about Demetri's behavior and the new holes in the walls of my office, but he had insisted that it was nothing and waved it off. He simply stroked the damaged walls over and over again with heavy sighs, muttering something about how he was going to get Demetri to pay back the damage in double.

And it definitely didn't help that Demetri refused to apologize to Sebastian for damaging his office building, saying that Sebastian deserved it for not keeping a better eye on his employees' behavior.

Mrs. Nikoloas added, "I also figured something happened when Demetrius told me not to invite anyone else to today's fitting unless you specifically asked for them."

I chewed the inside of my cheek as I lowered my eyes, unable to meet her gaze.

I couldn't tell if she was upset with me. Maybe she thought that I was being too sensitive and causing unnecessary trouble for everyone? Would she try to get me to break up with Demetri?

"Oh, sweetheart. Please don't cry." Mrs. Nikoloas bolted out of her chair and immediately scurried over to me, pulling me out of the tailor's hands and into her arm. "I'm not trying to reprimand you. I just want to talk to you so that you can get things off your chest. You don't seem to have anyone you're close to, and I know that there are some things that you can't talk about to Demetrius, so I just want to be there for you."

I nodded quietly, sniffling ever so slightly as I leaned into her warm embrace.

She rubbed comforting circles on my back and softly informed me, "Demetrius told me that you think one of the girls that spend time around him has feelings for him... And that you wouldn't tell him who it was because you didn't want him to cut her out of his life for no reason... But you shouldn't bottle up those kinds of harmful thoughts within yourself."

"I-I..." I pressed my lips together as indecision swirled in my mind.

I didn't want Mrs. Nikoloas to be estranged from her either. They grew up together, and I was sure that Mrs. Nikoloas saw her like her own daughter. What if Mrs. Nikoloas finds out about Rose's feelings and decides that she would be a better fit for Demetri?

I wouldn't be able to handle it if I had to watch him get married to another woman.

A soft hand stroked my head, drawing me out of my thoughts. "Sweetheart, you're overthinking again. Just know that I would never judge you or spill your secrets to anyone else, even if my son pesters me from the moon and back. I'm just here to listen."

I nodded solemnly. Taking a shakey, deep breath, I slowly confessed, "R-Rose has feelings for Demetri, but he has no idea about it..."

"Oh..." Mrs. Nikoloas stiffened against me for a moment, scaring me for a second before she started to relax. With a soft chuckle,  she replied, "I guess I shouldn't be so surprised. She had always followed Demetrius around like a little puppy ever since they were little."

"I-I know... I think she's been in love with him since they were kids, but Demetri doesn't even seem to remember her at all..."

"..." She sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of her nose, muttering, "My son is really a dunce."

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