Chapter 91

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"Now, now, Odette... Don't you think you are rushing things a bit too much?"

I tensed up as a tall, lanky brunette walked up to our table. He was dressed messily, with his buttons done in every which way, similar to his wild hair. But the thing that caught my eyes more was the gun that he was haphazardly twirling in his hand.

Ms. Odette's expression dropped at the appearance of this man, making no indications of releasing Theo. She unamusedly replied, "Stop acting so condescending, Albert. I'm the one holding what you need. Personally, I would've preferred getting rid of this annoying child from my sight, but you and Olivia still need him for your plans, don't you?"

The atmosphere dropped 10 degrees colder as the man stalked closer to the pair. Stopping abruptly in front of Ms. Odette, he lowly questioned, "Who do you think you are to threaten me?"

Roughly pushing her aside, he grabbed hold of my son. Theo's eyes grew two times wider as he took in the sight of the man before him, clearly recognizing him. Albert smirked at the realization and maliciously dug his finger into Theo's cheeks, eliciting a whimper out of him.

Watson tried to step out from behind me out of reflex in trying to protect my son but was immediately halted mid-step when the crazy man swiftly pulled my son in front of him like a shield and threateningly pressed the gun under Theo's chin.

He lowly warned, "There's no need to rush, Mr. Bodyguard. I was just greeting my son, whom I haven't seen in so long."

My eyes widened at his revelation. He was Theo's biological father?

Watson pursed his lips, clenching his fist by his sides, clearly torn between what to do next.

Noting Watson's barely noticeable movements, Albert narrowed his eyes and roughly pressed the gun further up against Theo's delicate skin, eliciting an insuppressible yelp in pain from my son. "Don't think I don't know about the other guards circling the perimeter. Call them off if you want this worthless annoyance to stay alive."

I immediately grabbed onto the edge of Watson's shirt, trying to pull him back. I couldn't risk it when Theo's life was on the line.

Watson hesitantly glanced between the three of us, unsure of what to do.

I shook my head at him, silently begging him to listen to the crazy man.

With a heavy sigh, Watson waved his hand, signaling to the other guards to back off, and took a step back, resigning himself to covering me with his body at the very least in an attempt to protect me.

I nervously peeked out from the side at his body, unable to take my eyes off of my son in fear of losing him.

An evil grin spread across the crazy man's face as the other guards backed off from the perimeters. Loosening his hold on Theo every so slightly, the man smirked and turned his attention back down to the boy below him. "Did you miss me, son?"

Theo's face went completely pale as the man leaned down closer to way. Unable to put up any sort of a fight, he shakily replied, "Y-Yes, f-father..."

The man's eyes darkened. "Liar."

A startled yelp escaped from my lips when the crazy man suddenly whipped the back of his gun against Theo's head, effectively knocking his little body to the ground with no effort. He slammed his foot down on Theo's chest, keeping him on the ground, and threateningly shot the gun at the ground right in front of us with a loud bang, warning Watson, "Don't you even dare think about coming over here. This is strictly between me and my son."

Watson's jaw tightened as he helplessly took in the scene next to me.

Wasn't there anything we could do to save him?

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