Chapter 69

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My heart pounded in my chest. It felt like each beat was booming in my ears. My hands were aching, and it felt like it was absurdly hot in the chapel, even though I knew that it was pouring outside with meters and meters of snow.

I had never felt so nervous in my life before. It was completely unlike me to feel nervous, but it was a good kind of nervousness. The kind that also felt so exciting that I simply couldn't wait for it anymore... The kinds of emotions that were only ever brought out of me by Belle...

Probably noticing my restlessness, the priest gave me a warm smile and reassured me, "She loves you. I can tell by how she talks about you... It's the same way you talk about her... Like she's your whole world... She sees you in the same way, so please rest assured, my child."

I nodded, releasing my breath shakily as I looked around the room.

The interior of the chapel was touched up like how I promised Belle. My contractor fixed up and repainted all the benches, neatly lining each one along the side of the room. All the nooks and dents in the walls were patched up, including the hole that used to be in the corner of the ceiling. But all the mosaic windows were left completely untouched, preserving the historic feeling of the chapel.

As the afternoon glow shone through the colored glasses, all sorts of vibrant light beamed through the window, lighting up the interior of the chapel beautifully. It was honestly breathtaking.

But none of it could even compare to the woman stepping through the double doors at the moment.

A pure white dress flowed down her thin frame with a train of delicate white flowers following her every step. It hugged her waist perfectly as the top of the dress traveled all the way up to the top of her breasts before fading away into sheer fabric ordained with intricate lace and flowery design all the way down her arms to her wrist.

Her light brown hair was simply done in a half-up and half-down style with the pins that I gifted her holding it in place and make-up lightly done. Loose strands perfectly framed her bright violet eyes as they peeked over the lavender arrangement of flowers in her hands towards me.

She truly looked like a goddess at that moment.

My father held her hand gently as he walked her down the aisle. He had volunteered to walk her down the aisle the moment he found out that her parents had passed away already.

He had a soft smile on his lips as he watched her from the corner of his eyes, almost as if he was actually giving his own daughter away.

My breath hitched when she finally stopped in front of me.

Placing Belle's hand into my own, my father told me, "You only get one love in life, Demetrius. Treasure her and make sure she knows how much you love her every day of your life until you can't anymore."

Squeezing Belle's hand lightly, I replied breathlessly, "Even after death, I'll continue to show her how much she means to me."

My father nodded acceptingly as he stepped down from the altar and took a seat next to my mother.

I walked Belle up the last few steps, noting out from the corner of my eyes how her long lashes flustered ever so elegantly as she carefully stepped up each stair.

Once we reached the top, the priest cleared his throat and started, "Dearly beloved, we gathered here today to witness the union of Demetrius and Arabelle. I am sure that we have all seen how flourishing their love has been like a flower in spring, a devotion is never seen before. It is a love I have never seen before in my life, and I can only wish for it never to die... Demetrius and Arabelle, your marriage will be a lifelong promise to love, respect, trust, and honor each other through good and bad, sickness and health, thick and thin, and all other unexpected or expected events. It is a strong bond that not only strengthens each of your beings individually but also your strength as partners. Today, you gain an equal partner that will be your confidence, your defender, and your motivator. Every accomplishment and every setback will be shared, but I know that it will never hinder either of your growth. No matter what the future may throw your way, I hope you will always come out stronger together."

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