Chapter 78

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Ever since we came back from our honeymoon trip, I had barely been able to spend any time at home. I had been buried under so many piles of paperwork and never-ending lines of meetings for these last couple of days that I found myself spending less than 6 hours at home these days.

In addition to the current quarter closing within a week, a bizarre amount of issues suddenly came up in the outer families. Their companies had all sorts of problems ranging from missing papers involving my company to incorrectly filed numbers that caused the stocks to bounce up and down even though they were sure that they had personally input it correctly.

It was unlike me not to be able to finish my work, but I found myself leaving early for work at 5 AM in the morning to carve out time to fix confidential paperwork that only I could handle. But my meetings would stretch so late, trying to sort out all the mishaps, that I wouldn't be able to reach home until midnight.

Belle had tried to convince me to stay at my old apartment in the city for the time being, saying that I would be able to get an extra one to two hours of sleep without the commute. But I refused.

Maybe it was immature of me, but the knowledge that I would be able to see my angels at the end of the day was the only thing keeping me sane through the incessant amount of issues rising all at the same time.

They would try to stay up for me, even though I told them not to, which only resulted in me finding them passed out on the sofa in the living under a mound of blankets every night. I would chuckle softly at the adorable sight, feeling the day's stress instantly melting away, before carrying them upstairs and tucking them back into bed.

I was lucky to have Belle as my wife. Any other person would've gotten fed up with my rushed messages and lack of presence at home by now, but she would simply kiss me in the haze of her sleepiness, reassuring me that everything would eventually get sorted out, and remind me to eat the leftover dinner that she had saved for me.

It both melted and tore my heart every time she did this.

Even though she had to work too, she had also been taking over caring for Theo, keeping the house clean, and making dinner all by herself so that I wouldn't have to worry about it. Giving me a clean home to come back to and a home-cooked meal to fill my stomach every night.

I wanted to pay her back in some way, to show her how much I appreciated her effort, but I would always be buried in even more work the next day.

However, I finally managed to resolve the last of the issues early today.

Smacking the enter key, I sent off the last email containing a contract signed off with my name, marking both the end of this bizarre sudden rise of mishaps and this quarter.

I glanced at the clock, noting the short hand's position at four, and eagerly started gathering my items. I could finally go back home and spend time with my treasures.

Slipping my phone and keys into my back pocket, I grabbed my coat and started to make my way out of my office.

However, to my poor luck, I was faced with another person that I definitely didn't want to see the moment I opened my office door, making my mood immediately plummet at the sight.

Trying very hard to hide my displeasure, I politely greeted, "Hello, Rose. How can I help you today?"

Her eyes sparkled when they caught sight of me. "H-Hi, Demetrius. I-I was just in the neighborhood and w-wanted to drop by to check on you. I h-heard that you were pretty busy with work, so I bought a small tres leches cake for you from a nearby bakery, h-hoping that it might help lift your mood."

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