Chapter 84

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"Metri, you know that I'm not going anywhere, right?"

He nodded his head in acknowledgment but made no move to release me from his grasp.

"You've been holding me since you came back last night... Are you sure you don't want to do something else?"

He gave a soft shake of his head as he silently buried his face even further against my stomach.

I sighed and set my book aside. He really wasn't budging in the slightest.

I leaned back against the headboard of our shared bed and laced my fingers through his hair, gently taking my fingertips against his scalp. I tried to reassure him, "You know that I won't disappear if you let me go, right?"

He pressed his lips into a thin line. Eyebrows furrowed in silent discontentment.

Sighing again, I decided to continue stroking his head comfortingly in hopes of easing his nerves.

Just like the night before, he ended up spending the entire morning lying in bed with his head nuzzled deeply in my abdomen, only lifting his head briefly to call his guards to bring us some breakfast when my stomach growled.

But eventually, all things had to come to an end.

His cuddling session was forced to a halt when Watson called him about a group of visitors at the front gate.

Apparently, Demetri's mother heard that I regained my memories from Demetri's father, who found out through his daily chats with Theo. She came over as soon as she could since Demetri no longer had an excuse to keep her away.

Through the phone's speaker, I heard her shouting at Watson about how "her wretched son who kept her away from daughter" and winced when I heard a loud crash from the other end of the phone. It seemed like utter chaos on the other side of the phone call, but Demetri didn't seem to have a single care for it as he continued to lounge across my stomach, completely unfazed.

Covering the phone's microphone, I warily asked Demetri, "Did you ban your mother from having free entry to our house?"

He nodded nonchalantly, making no move to address the issue at the gate caused by his own actions.

Trying to get an actual explanation from him, I tried asking again, "Why did you ban your own mother from entering? She's only worried about us."

He rolled his eyes and grumbled, "She just wants to steal your attention away from me. I don't see why I must let her in."

I sighed, shaking my head at his antics.

Uncovering the phone's microphone, I told Watson that he could just let Mrs. Nikoloas through.

A call of hallelujah rang through the call as the faint sound of our gate creaking open echoed in the background. Within minutes, I could see a familiar SUV barreling up our driveway at a frightening speed.

I hurriedly tried to push Demetri off of my lap, but he didn't budge in the slightest.

Despite knowing how stubborn he can be, I tried pleading with him, "Metri, please let me get up. Your mother is going to be here any minute, and I need to greet her at the door."

To my dismay, his arms only tightened around me, nearly squeezing the breath out of me as he adamantly shook his head in refusal.

As I struggled to get out of his grip, I froze when I heard the front door slam open, and a familiar bubbly voice echoed through all four floors of our house.

Trying to snap him out of it, I tried to bargain, "I won't make you let go. I'll even give you a kiss or anything else you may want if you can just come downstairs with me to meet your mother."

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