Chapter 88

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I knocked on the doorframe, signaling my entrance as I walked into the main office of our private warehouse. It was pitch dark with not a single light on in the room. Only the bright glow of several monitors kept the room lit

Gaël looked up from his computer with his usual sunken eye bags and tiredly asked, "Did you bring the goods?"

I rolled my eyes at his poor attempt at a joke and placed the bag of his favorite take-out meal on the desk next to him.

A large grin spread across his face as he eagerly tore into the bag, fishing out his usual order of extra spicy ramen with a cup of quadruple-shot espresso coffee.

I leaned over his head, taking no mind of his messy habits as I glanced at his work. There was a jumble of numbers spread across the screen, with one of the panels seemingly tracking an IP address bouncing between several towers across the globe.

I hummed softly in thought for a moment before noting, "I'm guessing you're having trouble pinning down the owner of the phone number?"

He nodded with strands of noodles poking out of his mouth.

I sighed as I glanced back over his work.

Swallowing his mouthful of food, Gaël explained, "There's no need to worry. I already have a hold of the address, so there's no escaping me. I just need a few more days to unravel the network to pinpoint this owner's actual location."

I nodded understandingly, deciding to place my trust in my little brother's skills.

Straightening back up to my full height, I nodded to the backroom and asked, "Did the guards bring her here already?"

He nodded. "She's been unusually quiet despite being tied up... Maybe she has an idea of who had taken her? But either way, I had already told her family that she's going to be staying with a friend for the next week, so there's no need to worry about anyone looking for her for the time being."

I set my coat aside and rolled my sleeves up. I grabbed my gloves and told him, "Let me know when it's 5 o'clock. Belle's expecting me to be home at 6, and I don't plan to spend any more than two hours with that woman."

He gave me a thumbs-up as he continued to chew on his ramen.

Leaving him to his own devices, I walked out into the hallway and made my way to the last room at the farthest end. I slipped my gloves on and nodded for my guards to open the door.

They obediently followed my directions without delaying, revealing a familiar dark-haired brunette tied up to a chair in the middle of the windowless room with only a single light in the back corner.

I motioned for the guards to close the door behind me.

They eyed the restrained woman with distaste before following my instructions and closing the heavy door with a loud slam.

The girl flinched in her seat at the reverberating noise.

I was sure that she knew who it was the moment I walked in, but she kept her head down and her eyes glued to the floor as I walked up to her.

I stopped a few feet in front of her with my arms crossed and calmly untied her hands, "Lift your head, Rose."

She shakily lifted her head at my words, tears brimming at the corner of her eyes as she looked up at me.

Her hair was a mess from being dragged around, and her left eye was swelling up from what seemed like to be a blunt injury. To add on, her neck was already ordaining a set of dark fingerprints on either side as if someone had dragged her here by her throat.

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