He Said

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Enjoy the first chapter of the second book! We got a bit of Caroline's academic side showing through as she curses in greek lol The second chapter should be up within a week max! Love ya'all and thanks for all the support on the first book!

Not proofread, read at your own risk lol


We made it to the treeline and into the thick of underbrush, invisible to anyone in the clearing. I glanced back to see four vampires in black hoods, strutting to meet the Cullens. The two in the center were related somehow and there was a ginormous vampire behind the duo. There was an average-height vampire that the scent that tugged on my nose emanated. He removed his hood to reveal neat-yet messy, black hair, a mischievous smile, but yet aloof expression, and the stature of someone who knew he was powerful. His eyes glanced up, towards the Cullens, but met mine. For the briefest of moments, I saw our future, hope and dreams, and what could become of us.

Before I disappeared entirely into the forest, I realized with a start;

I had found the other half of my life.

I had imprinted.

I sat, dazed, as Carlisle meticulously stitched my arm back together. An IV line ran inserted into my left wrist, dripping morphine without flaw every six seconds. My half-brother, Jacob Black, had been Carlisle's first priority since his accelerated healing was mending his bones incorrectly. 

Rather than the typical, moody look I maintained, I bore a peaceful, wistful, glad smile. The Cullens had promised to tell me about my imprint as soon as I was patched up. From the living room to the connected kitchen, Billy was watching concernedly. I was seated on the table, my legs dangling. Jake was sleeping -and set up with his own morphine drip-  in his room, looking like a mummy with the number of bandages. 

"Did you fight him?" I asked Carlisle, whipping my head to the side with concern. "Is he alright?"

"No, we didn't fight the Volturi," Carlisle replied quietly, finishing my stitches and placing the needle on a cloth, and surveying his handiwork. "Demetri is returning to Volterra with Felix, Jane, and Alec to inform the brothers of their," Carlisle paused, his lips pursed as he thought of the correct term. "'Errand.'" He turned, beginning to repack his bag that contained his medical supplies.

"Will he be back?" I asked, my voice small. I hadn't even spoken to my imprint once, and he was already on another continent! Carlisle paused his back to me. "He will be back, right?" Billy interrupted my pre-mature anxiety attack, clearing his throat.

"It's getting late kid," Billy told me, wheeling into the kitchen and giving Carlisle an indiscernible look. "You should get to bed. Sam wants the pack to meet tomorrow for lunch to check in." I nodded, jumping off the countertop and padding through the living room silently, biting the inside of my cheek with restlessness. I hugged Billy quickly, snagging the large quilt on the couch, and closed the door to my bedroom quietly. I could hear Billy bid Carlisle goodbye and the front door close. 

A quiet knock on my door interrupted my thought spiral. "Hey kid," said Billy, wheeling himself into my compact room. With the queen-sized bed, vanity, and humongous bookshelf, I was lucky I could even move around my room.

I was silent for a moment before sighing. "Do you hate me for imprinting on a vampire?" I asked, my voice quivering. The darkness of the room hid the fear in my eyes as I lay awkwardly to protect my slinged arm.

"What? Of course not!" he whispered loudly. "It may have some getting used to, but, No. Caroline, I don't hate you. Not at all." I sniffled, using my non-injured arm to swipe at my stray tears. Billy silently wheeled himself from my room, closing the door and leaving me alone to my poisonous thoughts.


The uneasy looks didn't escape my notice when I arrived at Emily's. I'd had to walk since Billy wanted to stay with Jake in case he needed something while still stuck in bed. My motorcycle required two hands unfortunately which left me walking in the usual downpour of Forks, Washington.

By the time I was soaked to the bone, receiving an overprotective Emily to greet me on the porch. Regardless of the bone-chilling rainwater drenching me, Emily enveloped me tightly before holding me at arms' length and giving me a death stare.

"Won't get hurt my ass!" she snapped. I saw Quil choke on a muffin and Embry begin beating him on the back at Emily's word choice. Emily's greeting had turned into a lecture. She grabbed me by the ear and yanked me inside. I had not expected this. Sam blinked from behind his newspaper, watching the terrifying -at least for me- exchange.

Emily plopped me down a bar stool and stood on the other side of the counter, arms crossed and foot tapping the ground. Quil and Embry were sitting at the dinner table, a plate of uneaten muffins in the center. Paul and Jared had paused their game of Mario Kart to follow our conversation.

Emily huffed before rolling her eyes and donning her usual bright smile, "Have you even eaten? You're looking a bit peachy," she narrowed her eyes and raised an eyebrow playfully. The pack let out an unknown breath. Emily may not be a shifter, but she sure as hell could scare the skatá out of any of us.

Emily placed a large bowl of soup -tomato, and garlic by the smell of it- in front of me.
I shrugged half-heartedly, "I'm not very hungry." 

"Eat Caroline." Said Sam without looking up from his newspaper. I stared incredulously at him,

"I said I wasn't hungry!" I retorted, louder than necessary. Sam slapped his paper down, annoyance marring his features.

"And I said eat!" He pushed Alpha power into the command, making the hair on my back raise. Fur rose on my arms in challenge, my heterochromatic eyes glaring at Sam. His chair slid across the wood loudly as he stood, his face rigid and flooded with anger. "Outside! Now!" He yelled. I stared him down before stomping out of the house. My arm was stinging as I bumped it on the frame and cursed. Sam followed closely, fury pouring off him. 

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He snapped. 

I scoffed, "You're one to talk!" Even at sixteen and 3/4, my attitude had nearly never been set off this easily. We were slowly circling each other, our wolves urging to be let out and settle this argument.

"Speak Caroline. You have words, use them instead of throwing a fit!" Sam spat, fur-raising on his arms.

"I'm throwing a fit?!" I said shrilly, my eyes widening as I began to lose my skatá. "I'm throwing a fit?!" I repeated. My skin began prickling with the urge to shift more.

"Yeah, you are!" Sam replied, "You need to get a hold of yourself and grow up!"

"Grow up?" I echoed. "I fight gamiménos vampires on a daily basis! I have to do Summer school in order to graduate! AND instead of planning out my future of going to college and getting my dream career, I'm stuck here!" I screeched.

"Well nobody asked you to be!" countered Sam. I froze, outrage evident on my face before spinning on my heel and striding down the dirt driveway.

"Where are you going?!" he demanded. I didn't even bother to turn around, instead flicking him off and shouting,

"The Cullens! Once somebody asks me to be here, I'll take it into consideration!"

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