He Asks Me to Dance

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(Not proofread! Read at your own risk!) I kinda hate this chapter but I'm too lazy to rewrite it. This is kind what I think Demetri Volturi would look like in my book. I wanted to kinda make him a little younger so it seems he's more her age (even though he's like 900 lol)

 I wanted to kinda make him a little younger so it seems he's more her age (even though he's like 900 lol)

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Demetri had a well-built body enhanced by his vampire physique and a black suit that fit him perfectly. His red eyes -slowly turning darker- studied my reaction. The tight fabric daffodil I wore suddenly felt suffocating -more than it had already been- as I stood frozen before my imprint. 

I couldn't feel my heart, was it beating too fast or not at all? Was this what a heart attack felt like? I felt another gust of wind but didn't dare remove my gaze from my imprint who casually leaned against a tree sporting an amused smirk.

"What do we owe this pleasure, Demetri?" said a voice tensely, I glanced from the corner of my eye to Emmett and Carlisle. "We weren't expecting such... high-ranking...Volturi...such as yourself." 

Demetri hummed, pushing off the tree. I didn't miss how Carlisle and Emmett both tensed, glancing at each other. Emmet took a few steps to my side, touching my shoulder. Usually, I would've shrugged the over-sized teddy-bears hand off but I was too absorbed into the fact that mY iMpRiNt WaS rIgHt HeRe.

"There was an invitation, was there not?" Demetri asked with a slight Greek accent before smirking, "Aro wished to be notified of dear Isabella's mortality status," Emmett growled at the unsaid threat to his new sister-in-law, lunging at my imprint, my body reacted without thought, sliding between the two vampires with black, dangerous eyes before using Emmett's momentum against him; grabbing his arm and flipping him over my shoulder. There was a loud thud and dust flew up from where his body hit the dirt. 

I stood frozen, horrified. "Oh merde, are you alright Emmett?!" He groaned in response, slowly sitting up and shaking his head. Oh god, did my imprint hate me now for smashing Emmett into the ground instead of letting him handle it??

I turned to Demetri who didn't bare the angry look I was expecting but a huge-ass grin with his shoulders shaking with silent laughter. "Afto itan yperocho!" (That was wonderful!) I blinked. Once. Twice. "Min anisycheis agapi mou, to vrika, poly diaskedastiko," (Do not be worried darling, I found it quite amusing) My face burned bright red, and spun around, attempting to hide it. He had called me polyagapimenos. (Darling)

"Of course, the Volturi presence is welcome here," Carlisle smoothly butted in, "if we could merely request that any hunting be done outside of our coven's territory," Demetri nodded with an amused smirk that made my heart race. Emmett stood up, dusting his clothing off, and left to find Rosalie and probably tell her about the Volturi presence at Bella's wedding.

"It is finally a pleasure to meet you, Miss Black-Swan," Demetri said pleasantly, holding the crook of his arm out. My brain blanked out and I nodded dumbly, taking his arm as he expertly weaved us through the crowd and to the dance floor where a slow song played over the speakers.

"Opote milas I aplos fainesai sastimenos?" (So do you speak or just appear bewildered?) he asked, switching to Greek fluently, gingerly placing a hand on my hip and the other clutching my own hand as we slowly swayed to the music. The absolute horror I experienced as I re-examined this situation; I, Caroline Black-Swan, the Alpha of the Mexican Pack, was dancing with a bloodthirsty vampire royal guard at my half-sister's wedding to a vampire.

"Boro na miliso. Protimo omos na skeftomai kala ta logia mou." (I can speak. I prefer to think my words through however.) I replied, avoiding his piercing eyes. 

"Den moiazeis me tipota apo osa akousa!" (You are unlike anything I heard!) Demetri laughed, his perfectly aligned white teeth showing. 

"Ti echete akousei?" (What have you heard?)

"Mikra kommatia edo ki ekei," (Little pieces here and there,) he hummed, "Oi perissoteroi apo tin Aro. Emathe polla gia sena apo to myalo tou Entouarnt." (Most from Aro. He learned much about you from Edward's mind.)

The song ended and Demetri led us off the floor and to a side of the party bordering the towering trees that seemed more threatening with the night sky. "May I ask you a question?" Demetri interrupted the chirping of cicadas. 

"You just did," I stated before thinking. I wanted to smash my head against a tree. He chuckled, a smirk growing on his face.

"I suppose you are correct," I noted Demetri spoke extremely formally. I knew that vampires could basically live forever and now the thought struck me of how old my imprint actually could be. "Are you a Child of the Moon?" 

My breath hitched and I snapped my head to look at his taller form. My eyes narrowed, "No. The surrounding packs nor mine are Children of the Moon. If we were though, it would mean certain death from your coven." I snarled, pulling away from his -albeit- comforting grasp.

"We are shifters, descended from the Quileute tribe. We can control when we change forms, unlike the extinct Moon Children." Demetri nodded, his face neutral.

"Then my business here is finished." He held my right hand -the one that wore the ring of the pope the Volturi had sent me via mail- and gently kissed it. His frigid lips sent goosebumps cascading up my arm and made my back shiver. "Have you thought of Aro's offer to visit?" 

"Yes." I responded. It wasn't oblivious to me that this 'invitation of visitation' was not optional. I could refuse, of course. But there would be a rift between the packs and Volturi and if I could perhaps form a -rocky albeit- relationship with the Volturi then I would do it. "I would be honored, but currently I'm unavailable. My duty is to my pack and I must stay with them." He nodded slowly, letting my hand fall to my side. He smiled lightly, his eyes black with pain,

"It was a pleasure, polyagapimenos," Then, my imprint spun around and disappeared into the forest. I didn't know how long it would be until I saw my imprint again, but little did I know, it wouldn't be on good terms.


Aftó ítan ypérocho!- That was wonderful!

Min anisycheis agapi mou, to vrika, poly diaskedastiko - Do not be worried darling, I found it quite amusing

Polyagapimenos - darling

Opote milas I aplos fainesai sastimenos? -So do you speak or just appear bewildered?

Boro na miliso. Protimo omos na skeftomai kala ta logia mou. - I can speak. I prefer to think my words through however.

Den moiazeis me tipota apo osa akousa! - You are unlike anything I heard!

Ti echete akousei? - What have you heard?

erotoropia. ludus. pragma. - Caroline Black-Swan - 2Where stories live. Discover now