He Leaves Me

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I'm so sorry it's been so long. I've been trying to regain the energy to continue this, on top of editing and improving the first book. I swear, I do have a plot for this book and we are going to be getting there eventually. Much love, thank you, guys, <3

Moping. Such a fun word, right? Even the word itself sounded depressed. As I moped around the lingering party, my chest felt tight and achy, like after an asthma attack (I'd had really bad asthma when I was little). I was sitting on an overstuffed chair positioned around one of the many circular tables, mindlessly rolling a crumpled napkin around, my thoughts on my imprint who had left.

My beta, Corvin, meandered over, holding a glass of champagne he'd somehow managed to finagle from a waiting staff which he forked over to me. I gratefully took the flute of the fizzy liquid, taking a sip. "Do you think he's still around here maybe?" I asked Corvin, glancing around at the surrounding forest, referring to Demetri.

Corvin rolled his eyes, "If he is, I'll have to beat some sense into him for leaving our poor Alpha all alone and craving his attention." He drawled. His comment made my face flush which I hid by taking another sip of the champagne. Charles appeared a moment later, his chocolate eyes watching with ill-hidden amusement as he tugged his twin from the seat, "The southern vampire wants to have a word with dearest Caroline, perhaps we can allow it." They both disappeared into the gyrating crowd of guests and Jasped seated himself where Corvin had been sitting previously, snatching the flute of champagne from my hand smoothly, placing it out of my reach.

"You're seventeen, not twenty-one." He reminded with slight amusement. I huffed under my breath, my eyes still glancing around the party for a specific person,

"I'm old enough to be an entire Alpha over a pack and turn into a freaking wolf, I think we can waive the alcohol rul,." I mumbled. Jasper's smile fell as he noted my distraction, effectively trying to take the edge of my anxiety off with his empathetic abilities. "I don't think Demetri liked me, what if he hated me, Jasper?" I asked with horror, staring into his amber eyes. Jasper gave me a soothing look, raising his eyebrows,

"I've been alive for centuries, Caroline, and I've never felt someone more smitten with another than Bella and Edward currently." Jasper drawled in his southern accent. My eyes were locked on his, wide with irrational worry.

"But why did he leave then, why couldn't he stay longer?" I whined slightly, the overwhelming urge to merely be in the presence of my imprint negating the touch persona I had developed over the years. "He probably wishes he wasn't my imprint." 

"Caroline Black-Swan," Said Jasper sharply, grabbing my hands and squeezing them to refocus my attention, "That vampire is absolutely in love with you. Now, you need to shut up and enjoy the party, think of how your mate would want you to." I bit the inside of my cheek, my face heating up at his words.

"Okay." I mumbled, standing as he released my hands and gave me a knowing look, "Bella and Edward are about to leave for their Honeymoon, we should join everyone else to bid farewell." Sometimes I forgot how old Jasper was, but then he would speak in his formal way and bring reality crashing down around me that he wasn't just a plain-Jane friend, but a vampire who had fought in several wars and drank the blood of bunnies for breakfast.

I joined my pack by the street where my sister and her new husband were climbing into a fancy car, waving and smiling. My mom and Charlie each leaned into the window of the car to speak to her. I waited my turn with a crooked, fond smile as my turn approached, "Alright Bella, no drowning or vampire babies, yeah?" My sister's entire face turned as red as Bob the Tomato (from a children's show we used to watch as babies when we were being babysat) and she stuttered for a response. Edward leaned over her, watching me with amused eyes, in a good mood that differed from his usual broody-moody demeanor.

"I can't promise anything on the second one, little Swan." He grinned. I drew back, pulling a face, "Yuck! Get going you two, I'll see you in a bit, Bella." I said with a genuine smile as the car pulled away and the guests began to throw handfuls of rice at the happy couple. My pack joined me in watching the car disappear into the night, heading for their honeymoon.

"Psst, Alpha," Whispered Corvin, grinning, "I think you've got afan clubb." I turned in confusion to see Gabe pointing towards the edge of the forest where my old pack stood, Sam, Jared, and Paul. My anxiety washed over me again as I maintained a carefully blank face. I broke away from Sam's stare, nodding my head toward the forest to my boys. We took the opportunity of all the guests mingling before they departed, using the distraction to slip into the trees, making our way to a familiar clearing where the three Quileute boys stood with varying emotions.

"Hey, Sam," I said quietly, meeting his eyes. We hadn't left on the best of arguments, and I hadn't spoken to him since. My boys stood around me, eyeing the three others. "Um, Sam, Jared, Paul, meet Corvin, Charles, Peter, and Gabe," I said, each boy nodding their head when mentioned. I glanced at my pack motioning to the three boys standing across the clearing from us, "Uh, this is...my old pack." 

Sam's eyes were narrowed and I could practically see the gears in his head turning. "You have your own pack?" He said to me and I nodded once, gulping down a wave of anxiety, grateful that Jasper wasn't around to feel it all. Corvin stepped forward, puffing his chest out,

"Hell yeah she has her own pack, and she's a fucking great Alpha, buddy." He said somewhat defensively. My eyes snapped to him with a silent warning. Sam slowly walked over, his eyes remaining locked on Corvin -Charles stepping beside his twin- as he stood barely a foot apart.

"Caroline had better be a good Alpha with how much she's put me through." Sam said seriously before giving me a friendly smile, clapping me on the back, "It's good to have you back, kid." My anxiety dissipated as Jared and Paul joined -albeit tentatively- greeting my boys. I clasped Sam's hand, smiling, "It's good to see you again." I said with genuine happiness.

Sam's smile fell slightly, "We've got a lot to discuss, Ro. You should probably bring your pack to Emily's." I turned serious again, nodding. "What's happening now?"

Sam sighed, "A lot is changing with your sister's wedding, and on top of that, have you gotten in trouble recently?" My eyebrows furrowed as I shook my head,

"No, I haven't. Why?" Jared stepped forward, always serious, "Because, we've got a summons from the Volturi for you."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2023 ⏰

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