He Is Talked About

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Zeus, the king of the gods, once experienced a massive, splitting headache. The pain did not go away so he begged Hephaustes for help. Hephaestus grabbed a hammer and split Zeus' head open down the middle. From Zeus' head sprung Athena, fully grown and armored. The amount of pain that Zeus must've felt to plead for Hephaestus to split his head open must have been monumental, but not like the one I was feeling.

"Oh god, my head!" I groaned, blindly searching for a pillow or blanket to cover my eyes from the pure, white light. I heard the light switch click off and I blearily opened my eyes. I sat up quickly before regretting it immediately. I grabbed a nearby red bowl and puked, the sting of the alcohol burning worse as it came back up. Tears spilled from my eyes at the bitter taste.

My entire body was practically on fire from the regurgitated alcohol,  broken shoulder, and overall nausea. "Won' be drinking anytime soon I expect," a voice basically boomed.

"Shut up!" I said loudly, wincing at my own volume. Jasper gave me an unimpressed look and strode across the room and closed the blinds that had been streaming bright light a moment before. 

"Drinkin' ain't a joke Caroline," said Jasper sharply, albeit, quieter. "What were you thinking?"

"I just wanted to numb the emotions," I mumbled, placing a hand on my forehead as my head felt like it'd been run over a train. "Wait- how'd I even get to your house?" 

"Rosalie and I found you last night on our way back from hunting. You've been sleeping for nearly seventeen hours." Jasper passed me a cold water bottle and I sipped on it, cringing at the acidic feeling in my throat. I opened my mouth when a perfectly pissed-off voice shredded my ears,

"Caroline Alara Black-Swan!" Stormed Esme. I was absolutely terrified of the motherly vampire as she practically flew at me. I glanced at Jasper, pleading for help only to see him abandon me. "I expected better of you; the chief's daughter, a werewolf with Alpha blood, an older sister, and someone involved in the supernatural! Instead, I see Jasper carrying you up my front steps, thinking you were dead!" 

My eyes were nearly popping out of my skull as Esme lectured me. I had never seen this side of her and frankly, I would take Emmet ripping me limb from limb. "Then, only to find out you were drunk! Do you know what that does to your developing mind? And you are underage! What if you had been kidnapped? Or worse, murdered!" She ranted.

"You make dying sound like a bad thing," I muttered, the fact that Esme had vampiric hearing slipping my fuzzy mind. She turned to me sharply, anger marring her beautiful features.

"If I ever, ever even catch a stray thought from you! I will report you to Charlie next time without hesitation! You are lucky we didn't and I saw fit to give you a second chance even though lord knows you should be in a jail cell right now!" Esme spun and flung the door open, leaving a dent in the wall. 

Maybe dying would be better than this. I'm not really important; there are other wolves in the pack-

My trail of depressed thoughts was interrupted by Alice, who offered me a soft smile. "Edward is at Bella's. Jasper, Emmet, and Rosalie are having a competition of some sort and Carlisle and Esme are working. Wanna talk?" 

Whenever I try and talk to someone and let them in, they always leave. I thought bitterly. When Alice talked to me those first couple weeks in the bathroom at school, Jasper when he manipulated my emotions, and Sam and Jake after I nearly attacked Bella.

"What's the fucking point?" I stated, rolling onto my side away from Alice. I felt the bed sink down and figured Alice must've sat. 

"Misery loves company. Make me miserable too and share what's on your mind," offered Alice. What the fuck Alice? What kind of twisted notion is that?!

I sighed, my voice quivering in the nearly pitch-dark room, "It's not fair. I-I've never even met- met him." I took a shaky breath in. "But my heart, it- it hurts so much but I've never even spoken with him, laughed, cried, or- or anything." I few stray tears slid down my face as I swiped at them. "I'm just...so tired. I need to get out of this town. My feet are covered in cement, slowly sucking me into the ground until I'm just another human." It was at that moment I truly knew, I needed to run as fast as I could and get out of this town. I needed to escape while I still could.


Nearly an hour later Alice dropped me off at Billy's. "Where have you been?!" He questioned, dark bags under his eyes and his hair a mess. 

"I was just out," I replied, dropping my shoes at the front door. I slipped into my room and shut the door, collapsing on my bed and groaning. 

'Beep beep!' my phone went off. I wondered how many messages I had since I hadn't checked it for two days. I glanced at the screen, furrowing my eyebrows. Fourteen missed calls from Corvin? It must be important if he was calling me.

I dialed his number and was surprised when Corvin picked up immediately.

"What's up?" I said nonchalantly, trying to shove down the nerves. I heard heavy breaths from the other side before Corvin spoke shakily,

"We need you to come down to Texas." 

"What? No!" I retorted quickly, moving to hang up. 

"Wait!" pleaded Corvin. The fact that I had never heard this prideful, charismatic boy beg for anything was the only thing that stopped me. I put the phone back to my ear,


"Caroline," he paused, drawing a deep breath in. "Elijah is dead. Before he died though, he made you the Alpha of our pack."

We'll be seeing some of Demetri soon! XD 

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